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dc.contributor.advisorNurmalina, Rita
dc.contributor.advisorPasaribu, Sahat Marulitua
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Tatu Nia
dc.description.abstractPencapaian swasembada beras melalui target produksi padi dalam negeri dihadapkan pada tingginya risiko produksi karena bencana alam seperti bencana kekeringan, banjir serta serangan hama penyakit akibat perubahan iklim global. Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) sebagai upaya perlindungan usahatani perlu ditingkatkan guna menjamin stabilitas produksi beras dalam negeri. Pemerintah memberikan subsidi premi AUTP sebesar 80% atau Rp. 144.000/ha/musim tanam agar dapat mendorong partisipasi petani. Namun, subsidi premi yang tinggi dan berkepanjangan akan memberatkan APBN, sehingga kemandirian petani terkait AUTP perlu ditingkatkan. Pada jangka panjang diharapkan program AUTP dapat melatih kemandirian petani padi sehingga dapat mewujudkan Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi yang mandiri. Oleh karena itu perlu diidentifikasi sejauh mana kemampuan dan preferensi petani dalam mengatasi risiko produksi budidaya padi melalui program AUTP. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) menganalisis determinan yang memengaruhi keputusan petani menjadi peserta AUTP; (2) menganalisis kesediaan dan kemampuan petani membayar premi AUTP; dan (3) menganalisis kesediaan petani menerima ganti rugi dari AUTP. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Karawang pada bulan Januari – April 2021. Data dikumpulkan dari 110 petani padi sawah melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah proportionate random sampling. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Determinan yang memengaruhi keputusan petani menjadi peserta AUTP dianalisis menggunakan regresi logit, analisis kesediaan petani membayar premi AUTP dan kesediaan menerima ganti rugi AUTP menggunakan Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), sedangkan kemampuan petani untuk membayar premi AUTP menggunakan analisis Capacity to Pay (CTP). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa luas lahan, status kepemilikan lahan, pendapatan, pengetahuan AUTP serta keikutsertaan dalam sosialisasi merupakan variabel yang memengaruhi keputusan petani menjadi peserta AUTP. Variabel keikutsertaan petani pada sosialisasi memiliki peluang terbesar bagi petani untuk memutuskan menjadi peserta AUTP. Berdasarkan hasil analisis CVM menunjukkan besarnya kesediaan petani membayar (WTP) premi AUTP adalah Rp 25.854/ha/musim tanam dimana 28,18% lebih rendah dari premi yang berlaku saat ini. Besarnya kesediaan menerima (WTA) ganti rugi dari AUTP adalah Rp 6.509.090/ha/musim tanam dimana 8,48 % lebih tinggi dari ganti rugi yang berlaku saat ini. Sedangkan besarnya kemampuan petani untuk membayar (ATP) premi AUTP adalah Rp 115.102/ha/musim tanam dimana nilainya jauh lebih tinggi dari premi yang berlaku saat ini. Sebanyak 45,45% petani termasuk dalam kategori potential demand dimana nilai kemampuan petani membayar premi lebih besar dari kesediaan membayar premi namun petani tidak menjadi peserta AUTP. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa pemerintah perlu melaksanakan sosialisasi, promosi dan advokasi secara teratur, terstruktur dan sistematis terkait programid
dc.description.abstractThe achievement of rice self-sufficiency through domestic rice production targets is faced with high risks caused by droughts, floods, pests and diseases as the impact of global climate change. Rice Crop Insurance intended to protect rice farming to ensure the stability of domestic rice production. The government provides Rice Crop Insurance a subsidized premium of 80% or IDR. 144.000/ha/planting season in order to encourage farmers' participation. However, a high and prolonged premiums subsidy will be quite burdensome for the state budget, so that farmers' self-reliance regarding Rice Crop Insurance needs to be increased. In the long term, it is expected that the Rice Crop Insurance program can train rice farmers to be self-reliant so that they can realize an independent Rice Crop Insurance. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the extent of the ability and self-sufficiency of farmers in overcoming the risks of rice production through Rice Crop Insurance program. Based on this background, the objectives of this research are: (1) to analyze the determinants that influence the decision of farmers to become participants in Rice Crop Insurance; (2) to analyze willingness to pay and ability to pay Rice Crop Insurance premium; and (3) to analyze willingness to accept compensation from Rice Crop Insurance. The research was conducted in Karawang Regency in January – April 2021. Data was collected from 110 rice farmers through interview using structured questionnaires. The sampling technique used is proportionate random sampling. The types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The determinants that influence the decision of farmers to become participants in Rice Crop Insurance are analyzed using logit regression. Analysis of farmers' willingness to pay Rice Crop Insurance premiums and willingness to accept Rice Crop Insurance compensation using the Payment Card Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). While the ability of farmers to pay Rice Crop Insurance premiums uses Capacity to Pay (CTP) analysis tool. The result of the study concluded that land area, land ownership status, income, knowledge of Rice Crop Insurance, and participation in socialization are variables that influence farmers’ decisions to become participants of Rice Crop Insurance. The variable of farmer participation in socialization has the greatest opportunity for farmers to decide to become Rice Crop Insurance participants. Based on the results of the Payment Card CVM analysis, it shows that farmer’s willingness to pay (WTP) the premiums is IDR 25.854/ha/planting season, which is 28.18% lower than the current premium. The amount of willingness to accept (WTA) compensation from Rice Crop Insurance is IDR 6,509,090/ha/planting season which is 8.48% higher than the current compensation. Meanwhile, the farmer's ability to pay the Rice Crop Insurance premium is IDR 115.102/ha/planting season, which is higher than the current premium. As many as 45.45% of farmers are included in the category of potential demand where the value of farmer’s ability to pay premiums is greater than their willingness to pay premiums, but farmers are not participants in AUTP. The study suggests that the government needs to carry out regular, structured and systematic socialization, promotion and advocacy related to Rice Crop Insurance. It is necessary to use technology in the process of implementing Rice Crop Insurance and expand the role of the private sector in the implementation Rice Crop Insurance. In addition, the government needs to develop alternative agricultural insurance models in Rice Crop Insurance scheme with index based, such as area yield index
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kesediaan dan Kemampuan Petani Membayar Premi Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi di Kabupaten Karawangid
dc.subject.keywordability to payid
dc.subject.keywordlogit regressionid
dc.subject.keywordrice crop insuranceid
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to acceptid
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to payid

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