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dc.contributor.advisorYuliani, Titiek Siti
dc.contributor.advisorMunif, Abdul
dc.contributor.authorIndriani, Besse Dini
dc.description.abstractIndonesia merupakan negara penghasil kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia. Perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia saat ini semakin berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan industri. Namun, dalam proses budi daya tanaman terdapat kendala seperti munculnya hama dan penyakit tanaman. Penyakit busuk pangkal batang yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Ganoderma boninense merupakan penyakit yang paling merusak pada perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Kajian pustaka ini bertujuan mempelajari perkembangan penyebaran penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Metode kajian pustaka dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data sekunder, pengolahan data, dan analisis. Sumber data diperoleh dari publikasi ilmiah seperti laporan tahunan Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Kementerian Pertanian RI, data online BMKG, jurnal penelitian, tesis, skripsi dan kajian-kajian ilmiah. Hasil studi Pustaka menunjukkan bahwa penyakit busuk pangkal batang (G. boninense) telah menyebar di 13 provinsi dan telah menjadi penyakit endemik yang sulit dikendalikan. Insidensi penyakit paling tinggi terdapat di Sumatera Utara, Riau, Aceh, dan Sulawesi Barat. Intensitas penyakit cenderung meningkat pada kebun peremajaan. Penyakit ini berpotensi menyebar ke seluruh provinsi sentra kelapa sawit di Indonesia dan menimbulkan kerugian yang lebih
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is the largest palm oil producing country in the world. Oil palm plantations in Indonesia are currently growing in line with the increasing needs of the industry. However, in the process of plant cultivation there are obstacles such as the emergence of pests and plant diseases. Basal stem rot disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense is the most destructive disease in oil palm plantations in Indonesia. This literature review aims to study the development of the spread of basal stem rot disease in oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The literature review method is carried out by collecting secondary data, data processing, and analysis. Sources of data are obtained from scientific publications such as the annual report of the Directorate General of Plantations, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, BMKG, research journals, theses, and scientific studies. The results of the study show that basal stem rot disease (G. boninense) has spread in 13 provinces and has become an endemic disease that is difficult to control. The highest incidence of disease is found in North Sumatra, Riau, Aceh, and West Sulawesi. Disease intensity tends to increase in replanting plantations. This disease has the potential to spread to all oil palm center provinces in Indonesia and cause greater
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSebaran dan Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Perkembangan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang (Ganoderma boninense) pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) di Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeDistribution and Factors Affecting the Development of Basal Stem Rot Disease (Ganoderma boninense) in Oil Palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) in Indonesiaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddisease incidenceid

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