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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Firman
dc.contributor.authorSyakuro, Abdan
dc.description.abstractPesantren Terpadu Darul Qur’an Mulia adalah pesantren dengan kurikulum unggulan hafalan qur’an dengan tujuan mencetak generasi rabbani. Untuk mendukung kurikulum unggulannya, Pesantren Terpadu Darul Qur’an Mulia perlu meningkatkan kualitas dan mutu dari sistem pelaporan hafalan dan murajaah santri- santrinya. Saat ini sudah tersedia aplikasi pesantren yang mewadahi kegiatan sehari-hari santri (aplikasi DQ Akses), tetapi perancangan spesifik terkait pelaporan setoran hafalan dan murajaah santri belum tersedia. Sistem pelaporan yang sedang berjalan saat ini masih menggunakan cara manual melalui whatsapp grup. Menurut hasil survei dari orang tua santri, hal tersebut sangatlah tidak efektif dan rentan terjadi kesalahan. Hal tersebut melatarbelakangi perancagan antarmuka pengguna modul pelaporan hafalan dan murojaah kepada orang tua santri yang dapat diakses secara langsung. Perancangan antarmuka pengguna akan dilakukan secara linear dengan metode Galitz dan evaluasi akhir dilakukan menggunakan metode concurrent think aloud dengan rata-rata keberhasilan sebesar 94.75%. Hasil akhir penelitian adalah desain antarmuka pengguna modul pelaporan hafalan dan murajaah santri yang menghasilkan kepuasan yang tinggi berdasarkan speech feature sentimen positif dari responden orang tua santri pada tahap uji
dc.description.abstractPesantren Terpadu Darul Qur'an Mulia is an Islamic boarding school with a specialty in the qur'an curriculum aimed at graduating the best generation. To support the superior curriculum, Darul Qur'an Mulia needs to improve the quality of memorization and murajaah reporting system. Currently, an application –DQ Akses– accommodates student’s daily activities, however the specific module to report student memorization and murajaah are unavailable. Reporting progress of students that currently running is still manually reported by whatsapp group. A survey to the parents proves it was ineffective and prone to human error. By designing the user interface the memorization and murajaah reporting module, parents can directly access. Implementation of the design will make the reporting system more effective than currently running system. The user interface design will be carried out linearly using the Galitz method and the final evaluation will be tested out using the concurrent think aloud which giving 94.75% success rate. The final result of the research is the user interface of the memorization and murajaah reporting module for students which results in high satisfaction based on the positive sentiment of speech feature from the respondent during the
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Antarmuka Pengguna Modul Pelaporan Setoran Hafalan dan Murajaah Santri Pesantren Terpadu Darul Qur’an Muliaid
dc.title.alternativeDesigning the User Interface of the Memorization and Murajaah Reporting Module for Darul Qur’an Mulia Islamic Boarding School Studentsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgalitz methodid
dc.subject.keywordmemorization and murajaah reporting systemid
dc.subject.keyworduser interfaceid

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