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dc.contributor.advisorPoerwanto, Roedhy
dc.contributor.advisorMatra, Deden Derajat
dc.contributor.advisorSopandie, Didy
dc.contributor.authorHerwitarahman, Alifiya
dc.description.abstractMangga Kasturi (Mangifera casturi Kosterm.) merupakan mangga endemik Kalimantan Selatan dengan status langka di alamnya berdasarkan Lembaga internasional untuk konservasi alam (IUCN). Kasturi memiliki masalah pada masa pembibitan yang lama, karena sifat juvenilitas yang panjang. Penggunaan cahaya buatan seperti lampu light emitting diode (LED) diketahui dapat memperpendek juvenilitas karena dapat merubah fisiologi dan metabolit tanaman karena pengaruh cahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan respon morfologi, fisiologi dan perubahan metabolit sekunder dari bibit mangga Kasturi dengan aplikasi lampu LED. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo IPB, dari Januari sampai Juni 2021. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan merupakan petak tersarang dengan Penggunaan LED sebagai petak utama dan aksesi mangga Kasturi sebagai perlakuan yang disarangkan pada perlakuan utama yaitu LED. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan tiga jenis spektrum LED tunggal merah, putih, dan biru, dan tiga aksesi Kasturi: Mawar, Pelipisan, dan Kasturi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam screen house paranet 90% dengan pemasangan lampu berjarak 45 cm dari tanaman, dengan kondisi terang selama 20 jam (04.30-00.30 WIB) dan kondisi gelap selama 4 jam (00.30-04.30 WIB). Variabel penelitian yang diamati adalah morfologi tanaman (tinggi, diameter batang, jumlah cabang, ukuran daun dan jumlah daun), anatomi daun, pengukuran klorofil, parameter fotosintesis, kandungan gula, dan profiling metabolit sekunder secara GC/MS dan LC/MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan LED merah, putih, biru pada aksesi Mawar, Pelipisan, dan Kasturi, tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata pada perubahan morfologi tanaman. Penggunaan LED biru mempercepat pertumbuhan tunas pada aksesi Kasturi yang mulai memunculkan tunas tiga bulan setelah perlakuan, sementara respon pertumbuhan tunas pada aplikasi LED merah terjadi pada bulan ke 5 pada aksesi Kasturi. Respon anatomi daun dari aplikasi penggunaan LED menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan nyata pada tebal daun, kerapatan stomata, ukuran pori dan sel penjaga. Kandungan klorofil a memiliki perbedaan yang nyata pada penyinaran dengan LED merah. Penyinaran LED biru memberikan nilai absorbansi cahaya, konduktansi stomata, transpirasi, dan laju fotosintesis yang lebih tinggi pada aksesi Kasturi. Lampu LED biru menghasilkan kandungan glukosa lebih tinggi, sementara lampu LED putih menghasilkan nilai fruktosa yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan lampu lain. Terjadi perubahan penurunan dan peningkatan unsur hara makro dan mikro pada setiap perlakuan LED dan aksesi. Profiling senyawa metabolit memberikan respon senyawa metabolit menghasilkan 19 senyawa metabolit sekunder, dengan golongan senyawa umum dari golongan sesquiterpenoid. Aksesi Pelipisanmemiliki kandungan senyawa khusus dari golongan steroid dengan kelimpahan berbeda pada tiap jenis penggunaan lampu LED. Pendugaan senyawa metabolit sekunder menggunakan metode LC/MS mendapatkan hasil dugaan 13 senyawa yang terdiri dari golongan alkaloid, fenolik, antioksidan dan flavonoid. Pendugaan senyawa dalam penelitian ini belum dapat menemukan senyawa khusus yang menjadi penanda peralihan dari fase juvenil ke fase generatif. Berdasarkan respon yang diberikan oleh tanaman. Lampu LED biru memiliki potensi digunakan sebagai cahaya yang dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman dan memotong masa juvenil. Aksesi Kasturi merupakan aksesi yang paling responsif pada penerimaan cahaya LED untuk memperpendek masa
dc.description.abstractKasturi Mango (Mangifera casturi Kosterm) is an endemic mango of South Kalimantan with rare status in nature based on International union for conservation of nature (IUCN). Kasturi has problems with long breeding periods due to its long juvenile nature. The use of artificial light, such as light-emitting diode (LED) lamps, are known to shorten juveniles because it can change plant physiology and metabolites due to the influence of light. This study aims to determine the differences in response to morphology, physiology and changes in secondary metabolites of Kasturi mango seedlings with the application of LED lights. The research was conducted at the Leuwikopo Experimental Garden, IPB, from January to June 2021. The experimental design used was a nested plot design with LEDs as the main plot and the accession of Kasturi mango as the nested treatment. The research materials used were three types of single LED spectrum red, white, and blue, and three accessions of Kasturi: Mawar, Pelipisan, and Kasturi. The research was carried out in a 90% paranet screen house, installing lights 45 cm from the plants, with bright conditions for 20 hours (04.30-00.30 WIB) and dark conditions for 4 hours (00.30-04.30 WIB). The research variables observed were plant morphology (height, stem diameter, number of branches, leaf size and number of leaves), leaf anatomy, chlorophyll measurement, photosynthesis, sugar content, and secondary metabolite profiling by GC/MS and LC/MS. The results showed that the use of red, white, blue LEDs on accessions of Mawar, Pelipisan, and Kasturi did not significantly affect plant morphology. The use of blue LEDs accelerated shoot growth in Kasturi accessions which began to sprout three months after treatment, while the response of shoot growth to red LED applications occurred at the fifth month of Kasturi accessions. The response of leaf anatomy from LED application showed no significant difference in leaf thickness, stomata density, pore size and guard cells. The content of chlorophyll a has a significant difference in irradiation with red LEDs. Blue LED irradiation gave higher light absorption values, stomatal conductance, transpiration, and photosynthesis rate in musk accessions. Blue LED lamps produce a higher glucose content, while white LED lamps produce higher fructose values than other lamps. There was a change in the decrease and increase in macro and micronutrients in each LED treatment and accession. The profiling of metabolite compounds responded to metabolite compounds resulting in 19 secondary metabolites, with general compounds belonging to the sesquiterpenoid group. The cladding accession contained unique compounds from the steroid group with different abundances for each type of LED lamp use. Using the LC/MS method, estimated secondary metabolites obtained results of 13 compounds consisting of alkaloids, phenolics, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Estimation of compounds in this study has not been able to find specific compounds of transition from the juvenile phase to the generative phase. Based on the response given by the plant. The Blue LED has the potential to be used as the light that can accelerate plant growth and cut juveniles because blue LEDs produce a response to more efficient at photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate also has the highest glucose content compared to other lamps. Blue LEDs also promote the fastest and most frequent shoot growth compared to other LEDs. Kasturi accessions were the most responsive to LED light reception to shorten the juvenile period because Kasturi accessions had the highest shoot growth compared to other
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Pengelola Dana Keuangan Republik Indonesia (LPDP RI)id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleRespon Morfofisiologi dan Metabolit Sekunder pada Bibit Mangga Kasturi (Mangifera casturi Kosterm.) dengan Aplikasi Cahaya Buatan Light Emmiting Diodeid
dc.title.alternativeResponses of Morphophisiology and Secondary Metabolite in Kasturi Mango (Mangifera casturi Kosterm.) Seedling to Light- Emmiting Diode-Artificial Light Applicationid
dc.subject.keywordfotosintesis, glukosa, klorofil a/b, metabolit sekunder, pucuk baruid
dc.subject.keywordchlorophyll a/b, flushing, glucose, photosynthetic, secondary metaboliteid

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