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dc.contributor.advisorBakhtiar, Toni
dc.contributor.advisorHanum, Farida
dc.contributor.authorSyakina, Lana
dc.description.abstractRute pendistribusian kendaraan terkait proses distribusi produk merupakan masalah yang dihadapi produsen dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen. Penentuan rute distribusi kendaraan atau vehicle routing problem (VRP) bertujuan menentukan rute dan penggunaan kendaraan agar biaya yang dikeluarkan minimal. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas rute pendistribusian kendaraan untuk mengantarkan beras sejahtera dari beberapa gudang penyimpanan ke desa/kelurahan tertentu yang dimiliki Perum Bulog kabupaten Ponorogo untuk satu dari dua belas periode. Salah satu desa/kelurahan memiliki permintaan yang melebihi kapasitas kendaraan, sehingga lokasi tersebut dapat dikunjungi kendaraan dengan pendistribusian terpisah. VRP dapat diselesaikan menggunakan metode eksak dan metode heuristik. Metode heuristik genetic algorithm dengan pencarian solusi awal melalui nearest neighbour diterapkan untuk masalah pendistribusian beras pada periode di Perum Bulog. Solusi yang dihasilkan oleh metode heuristik memiliki waktu yang lebih cepat dibandingkan solusi metode
dc.description.abstractThe vehicle distribution route related to the product distribution process is a problem faced by manufacturers in meeting consumer needs. Determination of vehicle distribution routes or vehicle routing problem (VRP) aims to determine the route and use of vehicles so that the costs incurred are minimal. In this study the route of distribution of vehicles to deliver prosperous rice from several storage warehouses to certain villages will be discussed, which is owned by Perum Bulog in Ponorogo Regency for one of the twelve periods. One of the village has a demand that exceeds the vehicle capacity, so that the location can be visited by vehicles with split delivery. VRP can be solved using exact methods and heuristic methods. The heuristic genetic algorithm method by searching for an initial solution through the nearest neighbour is applied to the problem of distributing rice during the period at Perum Bulog. The solution produced by the heuristic methods has a faster time than the solution of the exact
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Genetic Algorithm dalam Vehicle Routing Problem dan Implementasinya pada Distribusi Rastraid
dc.title.alternativeThe Application of Genetic Algorithm in Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Implementation on Rastra Distributionid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordheuristic methodid
dc.subject.keywordsplit deliveryid
dc.subject.keywordvehicle routing problemid

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