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dc.contributor.advisorHazra, Fahrizal
dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Dwi Andreas
dc.contributor.authorTanuwijaya, Kholis
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan jumlah produksi alpukat dipengaruhi oleh efektivitas pemupukan. Pemupukan adalah hal terpenting dalam pertanian untuk meningkatkan nutrisi tanaman, mencapai tinggi hasil, dan perubahan lingkungan tanah. Efektivitas kombinasi pupuk anorganik dan pupuk hayati diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas tanaman serta memperkecil peluang terjadinya degradasi lahan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan faktor tunggal berupa pemupukan. RAK ini mempunyai sembilan taraf perlakuan, yaitu: 1) kontrol (tanpa pupuk NPK dan hayati), 2) pupuk NPK 100%, 3) pupuk NPK 50%, 4) pupuk NPK 100% + pupuk hayati 100%, 5) pupuk NPK 100% + pupuk hayati 50%, 6) pupuk NPK 50% + pupuk hayati 100%, 7) pupuk NPK 50% + pupuk hayati 50%, 8) pupuk hayati 100%, 9) pupuk hayati 50%. Perlakuan ini diulang sebanyak lima ulangan. Pupuk dasar yang digunakan, yaitu pupuk kandang sebanyak 1,25 kg/pohon. Hasil siginifikan terjadi pada laju tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang tersier, N-total, dan aktivitas invertase tanah. Secara keseluruhan perlakuan terbaik adalah kombinasi dari pupuk NPK dan pupuk hayati khususnya pada perlakuan P3, yaitu kombinasi antara NPK 100% dan pupuk hayati 100%. Hal ini terlihat pada pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman alpukat serta hasil analisis kimia dan biologi tanah yang
dc.description.abstractIncreasing the amount of avocado production is influenced by the effectiveness of fertilization. Fertilization is the most important thing in agriculture to improve plant nutrition, achieve high yields, and change the soil environment. The effectiveness of the combination of inorganic fertilizer and biofertilizer is needed to improve the quality and quantity of plants and reduce the chances of land degradation. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with a single factor in fertilization. This RAK has nine treatment levels, namely: 1) control (without NPK and biofertilizer), 2) 100% NPK fertilizer, 3) 50% NPK fertilizer, 4) 100% NPK fertilizer + 100% biofertilizer, 5) NPK fertilizer 100% + 50% biofertilizer, 6) 50% NPK fertilizer + 100% biofertilizer, 7) 50% NPK fertilizer + 50% biofertilizer, 8) 100% biofertilizer, 9) 50% biofertilizer. This treatment was repeated five times. The basic fertilizer used, namely manure as much as 1.25 kg/tree. Significant results occurred in plant height, the number of tertiary branches, total N, and soil invertase activity. Overall, the best treatment was a combination of NPK fertilizer and biological fertilizer, especially in the P3 treatment, namely a combination of 100% NPK and 100% biological fertilizer. This can be seen in the vegetative growth of avocado plants and the soil's chemical and biological analysis, which have
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Penggunaan Pupuk Anorganik, Organik, dan Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) di Kebun Superavo, Subangid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of the Use of Inorganic, Organic, and Biofertilizers on the Growth of Avocado Plants (Persea americana Mill.) at Superavo Orchard, Subangid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordSoil chemical properties analysisid
dc.subject.keywordSoil biological analysisid

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