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dc.contributor.advisorArif, Ridi
dc.contributor.advisorRetnani, Elok Budi
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Felicia Rizal
dc.description.abstractDiphyllobothriasis merupakan penyakit infeksi cacing dari genus Diphyllobothrium yang bersifat fish-borne zoonosis. Analisis morfometri telur telah umum digunakan sebagai metode identifikasi D. latum pada sampel feses inang. Namun untuk membedakan telur D. latum dari spesies cacing lainnya sangat sulit, dikarenakan ukuran telur spesies hampir sama. Sehingga diperlukan variabel pengukuran tambahan agar tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam mengidentifikasi agen diphyllobothriasis. Penggunaan software Dino-Lite dan ImageJ pada penelitian ini diperuntukkan untuk mengukur morfometri telur D. latum berdasarkan diameter mayor, diameter minor, radius mayor, radius minor, keliling, luas, kelengkungan, eksentrisitas, dan ketebalan dinding telur. Sampel telur diambil dari 3 cacing lalu diamati di bawah mikroskop dengan perbesaran objektif 10× dan 40×. Gambar telur diambil menggunakan Dino-Lite dan diproses menggunakan Dino-Lite dan ImageJ. Data ditabulasi dengan Microsoft Excel dan dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA satu arah. Telur D. latum memiliki morfologi bentuk elipsoid, berwarna kekuningan dan memiliki operkulum pada salah satu ujungnya. Terdapat perbedaan nilai keliling dan luas antara metode pendekatan rumus dengan software ImageJ dikarenakan bentuk telur yang tidak elips sempurna. Pengukuran keliling dan luas telur lebih baik menggunakan perbesaran objektif 10×.id
dc.description.abstractDiphyllobothriasis is a worm infection disease of the genus Diphyllobothrium which is a fish-borne zoonosis. Egg morphometric analysis has been commonly used as a method of identification of D. latum in host faecal samples. However, to distinguish the eggs of D. latum from other species is very difficult, because the size of the eggs is almost the same. So additional measurement variables are needed to avoid errors in identifying the agents of diphyllobothriasis. The use of Dino-Lite and ImageJ software in this study was intended to measure the morphometry of D. latum eggs based on major diameter, minor diameter, major radius, minor radius, circumference, area, curvature, eccentricity, and egg wall thickness. Egg samples were taken from 3 worms and then observed under a microscope with 10× and 40× objective magnification. Egg images were taken by using Dino-Lite and processed using Dino-Lite and ImageJ. The egg sample images were taken and then processed using the Dino-Lite and ImageJ software. Data were tabulated with Microsoft Excel and analyzed with one-way ANOVA test. The eggs of D. latum have morphology an ellipsoid shape, have yellowish color and have an operculum at one end. There is a difference in the value of the circumference and area between the formula approach and ImageJ, because the shape of the egg is not a perfect ellipse. It is better to measure the circumference and area of the egg using an objective magnification of 10×.id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Morfometrik Telur Diphyllobothrium latum Menggunakan Software Dino-Lite dan ImageJid
dc.title.alternativeMorphometric Analysis of Diphyllobothrium latum Eggs Using Dino-Lite and ImageJ Softwareid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDiphyllobothrium latumid
dc.subject.keywordMorphometric Analysisid

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