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dc.contributor.advisorYusuf, Sri Malahayati
dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie, Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.authorNurqalbi, Andi Utari Anniza
dc.description.abstractBeberapa DAS di Indonesia telah mengalami kerusakan, salah satunya adalah DAS Citarum. Kerusakan yang terjadi pada DAS menunjukkan masih lemahnya sistem pengelolaan yang ada. Sistem pengelolaan DAS yang lemah terjadi karena kurang terdeteksinya kerusakan DAS secara dini dan periodik. Kerusakan DAS dapat diidentifikasi menggunakan pemodelan hidrologi, antara lain dengan analisis aliran permukaan (surface run off) menggunakan metode Soil Conservation Service berbasis curve number (SCS-CN). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan memetakan nilai CN dan aliran permukaan di DAS Citarum. Nilai aliran permukaan diprediksi dengan model SCS berdasarkan nilai CN setiap unit lahan. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data tekstur tanah, curah hujan dan jenis tutupan lahan untuk menentukan nilai CN. Nilai CN diolah untuk menentukan nilai aliran permukaan. Nilai CN yang tinggi berpotensi menghasilkan aliran permukaan yang tinggi. Selanjutnya, nilai aliran permukaan dipetakan pada seluruh wilayah DAS Citarum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai CN tertinggi terdapat pada satuan lahan terbangun dan terendah terdapat pada satuan lahan bervegetasi. Nilai aliran permukaan tertinggi terdapat pada subDAS Cigundul sebesar 731 mm/tahun dan terendah di subDAS Citarum Hulu sebesar 356,22 mm/tahun. Curah hujan yang menjadi aliran permukaan tertinggi sebesar 34% terjadi di subDAS Citarum Hilir dan terendah sebesar 20% terjadi di subDAS Citarum
dc.description.abstractSeveral watersheds in Indonesia have been degraded, one of which is the Citarum watershed. The degradation of the watershed indicates that the existing management system is still weak. Poor watershed management system occurs due to lack of early and regular detection of watersheds degradation. Watershed degradation can be identified using hydrological modeling, including the analysis of surface runoff using the curve number-based on Soil Conservation Service (SCS-CN) method. This study aims to determine and mapping the value of CN and surface runoff in the Citarum watershed. The surface runoff value was predicted using the SCS model based on the CN value of each land unit. The data used in this study are data on soil texture, rainfall, and land cover types to determine the CN value. The CN value is processed to determine the surface runoff value. High CN values have the potential to produce high surface runoff. Furthermore, the surface runoff value was mapped over the entire Citarum watershed area. The results show that the highest CN value is found in the built- up area and the lowest is in the vegetated area. The highest surface runoff value are found in the Cigundul sub-watershed at 731 mm/year while the lowest in the Citarum Hulu sub-watershed at 356.22 mm/year. The highest percentage of rainfall that became surface runoff was occured in the Citarum Hilir sub- watershed (34%) and the lowest is in the Citarum Hulu sub-watershed (20%).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Aliran Permukaan (surface runoff) di DAS Citarumid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Surface Runoff in Citarum Watershedid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcurve numberid
dc.subject.keywordrunoff mappingid

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