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dc.contributor.advisorPravitasari, Andrea Emma
dc.contributor.advisorArifin, Hadi Susilo
dc.contributor.authorRiriska Hidayah, Usra
dc.description.abstractKota Padang merupakan ibu kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Ketersediaan fasilitas infrastruktur dan kemudahan aksesibilitas menjadikan Kota Padang cepat berkembang dibandingkan wilayah lain di sekitarnya. Potensi alam, kebudayaan serta kuliner yang khas dari Kota Padang menjadi tolak ukur utama bagi wisatawan saat berwisata. Meskipun memiliki potensi yang besar, pengembangan wisata halal di Kota Padang tidak terlepas dari berbagai hambatan. Potensi objekobjek wisata di Kota Padang masih banyak yang belum teridentifikasi dengan baik sehingga, kemajuan wisata halal di Kota Padang masih tertinggal dari wilayah lain. Selain itu, hambatan lain yang juga dihadapi diantaranya mengenai persepsi masyarakat, permasalahan sertifikat halal, penyediaan fasilitas wisata halal serta strategi pengembangan wisata halal. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan diantaranya: 1) memetakan potensi objek wisata dan titik sebarannya secara spasial di Kota Padang, 2) mengklasifikasikan tipologi objek wisata yang sudah berkembang, berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dan belum berkembang di Kota Padang, 3) memetakan persepsi wisatawan terhadap penerapan wisata halal di Kota Padang, 4) mengetahui faktor-faktor pendorong kunjungan wisatawan ke kawasan wisata halal di Kota Padang, dan 5) menyusun strategi pengembangan wisata halal di Kota Padang. ipstif spasial digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi objek-objek wisata di Kota Padang, 2) metode skoring digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan tipologi objek wisata berdasarkan perkembangannya, 3) metode skoring digunakan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat, 4) analisis AHP untuk mengetahui faktor pendorong kunjungan wisatawan, dan 5) analisis AHP SWOT (A’WOT) untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan wisata halal di Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di Kota Padang terdapat 140 objek wisata. Terdiri dari 15 objek wisata yang sudah berkembang, 109 objek wisata berpotensi untuk dikembangkan, dan 16 objek wisata belum berkembang. Faktorfaktor yang mendorong kunjungan wisatawan diantaranya: 1) objek wisata, 2) promosi, 3) infrastruktur, 4) akomodasi dan 5) pelayanan. Strategi pengembangan wisata halal di kota padang terdiri dari: 1) menata potensi objek wisata sesuai dengan arahan kebijakan wisata halal kemenparekraf dan pemerintah daerah dan melatih SDM, 2) membangun dan menambah akomodasi khususnya Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), restoran dan hotel yang sudah tersertifikasi halal, 3) meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap wisata halal melalui program pemerintah yang bekerjasama dengan industri pariwisata seperti Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), restoran dan hotel, dan 4) membangun infrastruktur sesuai standar wisata halal guna memudahkan aktivitas
dc.description.abstractPadang city is the capital city of West Sumatra Province. The availability of infrastructure facilities and ease of accessibility have made the city of Padang develop faster than other areas around it. The natural, cultural and culinary potential that are unique to the city of Padang are main bechmarks for tourists. Although it has great potential, the development of halal tourism in the city of Padang is inseperable from various obstacles. There are still many objects in Padang City that have not been identified properly so that the progress of halal tourism in Padang City is still lagging behind other areas. In addition, other obstacles faced include public perception, halal certificate issues, readiness of human resources, provision of halal tourism facilities and halal tourism development strategies. This study has several objectives including: 1) mapping the tourist objects in the city of Padang and their spatial distribution point, 2) classify the typology of tourist objects that have developed, have the potential to be developed and have not developed in the city of Padang, 3) know the perceptions of tourists. On implementation of halal tourism in the city of Padang, 4) knowing the factors driving tourist visits to the tourism area in the city of Padang, 5) formulating a strategy for developing halal tourism in the city of Padang. The analytical methods used in this research are: 1) spatial describtive analysis is used to identiy tourist objects in the Padang of city, 2) the scoring method is used to classify the typology of tourist object based on their development, 3) the scoring method is used to determine public perceptions, 4) AHP analysis to determine the driving factors for tourist visits, and 5) AHP SWOT (A’WOT) analysis to formulate a strategy for developing halal tourism in the city of Padang. The results showed that in the city of Padang there are 140 tourist objects. Consisting of 15 tourism objects that have developed, 109 tourism objects that have the potential to be developed, and 16 tourist objects that are undeveloped. Factors that encourage tourist visits include: 1) tourist attraction, 2) promotion, 3) infrastructure, 4) accommodation and 5) service. The strategy for developing halal tourism in the city of Padang consist of: 1) arranging tourist attraction accordance with the direction of the halal tourism policy of the ministry of tourism and creative economy and the local government and training human resources, 2) building and adding accommodation, especially Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), restaurants and hotels which have been halal certificate, 3) increase public knowledge of halal tourism through government programs in collaboration with the tourism industry such as Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), restaurants and hotel, and 4) build infrastructure according to halal tourism standards to facilitate tourist
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Wisata Kota Padang Sebagai Destinasi Halal Tourism di Sumatera Baratid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Padang City tourism As a Halal Tourism Destination in West Sumatraid
dc.subject.keyworddevelopment strategy,id
dc.subject.keywordhalal tourismid
dc.subject.keywordtourism potentialid
dc.subject.keywordtourist attractionid

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