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dc.contributor.advisorWidyastuti, Rahayu
dc.contributor.advisorDjajakirana, Gunawan
dc.contributor.authorYusnizar, Andre Novrialdi
dc.description.abstractFauna tanah sebagai salah satu komponen penyusun ekosistem memiliki peran penting dalam proses siklus hara dan perbaikan sifat tanah. Kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor biotik dan abiotik. Perbedaan topografi dapat menyebabkan adanya perbedaan populasi dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah melalui perubahan sifat tanah dan iklim. Lahan pertanian hortikultura Kabupaten Bogor dapat ditemukan pada kondisi topografi dan elevasi yang bervariasi. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan adanya variasi kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah pada lahan pertanian pada suatu toposekuen. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dan hubungan posisi lahan terhadap populasi dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah pada lahan pertanian di toposekuen Gunung Pangrango, Bogor. Lahan pertanian pada toposekuen dibagi menjadi lereng atas (LAT), lereng tengah atas (LTA), lereng tengah bawah (LTB), dan lereng bawah (LBW). Contoh tanah kedalaman 0-15 cm dan contoh serasah pada masing-masing lahan diambil secara acak sederhana masing-masing berjumlah 10 contoh. Fauna tanah diekstrak dengan metode Berlese Funnel Extractor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah taksa tertinggi terdapat pada LBW berjumlah 19 taksa dan terendah pada LTA berjumlah 12 taksa. Jumlah populasi total tertinggi terdapat pada LBW berjumlah 35.233 individu/m2 dan terendah pada LTA berjumlah 4.361 individu/m2. Keanekaragaman fauna pada lapisan tanah tertinggi terdapat pada LTB dan terendah pada LBW sedangkan pada lapisan serasah tertinggi pada LTA dan terendah pada LTB. Posisi lahan mempengaruhi jumlah taksa, populasi dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah. Jumlah taksa meningkat dengan menurunnya posisi lahan. Posisi lahan berpengaruh nyata terhadap terhadap populasi fauna tanah pada lapisan tanah dan lapisan serasah. Populasi fauna tanah berkorelasi negatif dengan posisi lahan sedangkan keanekaragaman fauna tanah berkorelasi positif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa populasi fauna tanah meningkat dengan menurunnya posisi lahan dan keanekaragaman fauna tanah menurun dengan menurunnya posisi lahan pada
dc.description.abstractSoil fauna as one of the components of the ecosystem has an important role in the process of nutrient cycling and in improving soil properties. The abundance and diversity of soil fauna is strongly influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Topographical differences can lead to differences in abundance and diversity of soil fauna through changes in soil and climatic properties. Bogor Regency horticultural land can be found in various topographical conditions and land elevations. This various topographical conditions and land elevations influenced the abundance and diversity of soil fauna along the toposequence. The objective of this research was to figure out the effect and relationship of land position on abundance and diversity of soil fauna on agricultural land in the southeast toposequence of Pangrango Mount, Bogor. Agricultural land on toposequence was divided into upper slopes (LAT), upper middle slopes (LTA), lower middle slopes (LTB), and lower slopes (LBW). Samples were taken at 0-15 cm soil depth and litter samples with 10 samples each by simple random sampling. The soil fauna was extracted by the Berlesse Funnel Extractor method. The results showed that the highest number of taxa was 19 taxas in LBW and the lowest was 12 taxas in LTA. The highest abundance was found in LBW total 35,233 individuals/m2 and the lowest in LTA total 4,361 individuals/m2. The highest soil fauna diversity in soil layer was found in LTB and the lowest was in LBW, while the highest diversity in litter layer was found in LTA and the lowest was found in LTB. Land position affects the number of taxa, abundance and diversity of soil fauna. The number of taxa increases with decreasing land elevation. Land position has a significant effect on soil fauna abundance in the soil layer and litter layer. Soil fauna abundance was negatively correlated to land position whereas soil fauna diversity was positively correlated to land position. This showed that the fauna abundance increases with decreasing land elevation and fauna diversity tends to decrease with decreasing land elevation in
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHubungan Populasi dan Keanekaragaman Fauna Tanah dengan Posisi Lahan pada Toposekuen Gunung Pangrango Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeRelationship of Abundance and Diversity of Soil Fauna with Land Position in the Toposequence of Pangrango Mount Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordagricultural landid
dc.subject.keywordsoil fauna abundanceid

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