Gambaran Amyloidopathy Organ Ginjal Mencit Pasca Imunisasi dengan Amyloid Beta-42
Sofwan, Bella Syafira
Darusman, Huda Shalahudin
Soviana, Susi
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Penyakit Alzheimer merupakan jenis demensia berupa gangguan neurodegeneratif progresif pada lansia, yang ditandai adanya senile plaque dan neurofibrillary tangles di otak. Ginjal merupakan organ vital yang berpotensi mengalami kerusakan akibat retensi amyloid beta-42 (Aβ42). Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi amyloidopathy pada jaringan ginjal mencit yang terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu mencit yang diimunisasi Aβ42 (n=6) dan kontrol (n=8). Pengamatan histopatologis jaringan ginjal dilakukan dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin Eosin. Temuan lesio dianalisis secara deskriptif dan semikuantitatif. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan, ditemukan lesio patologis peradangan interstisial dengan sel peradangan limfosit, sel plasma, dan makrofag, serta kongesti dan hemoragi pada organ ginjal mencit perlakuan maupun kontrol. Organ ginjal mencit perlakuan yang diamati tidak menunjukkan adanya lesio sklerosis glomerulus, maupun fibrosis interstisial dan atrofi tubulus. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat melengkapi informasi mengenai penggunaan mencit sebagai hewan model penyakit Alzheimer serta membantu dalam pengembangan kit diagnostik. Kata kunci: amiloidosis, ginjal, histopatologi, mencit, penyakit alzheimer Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia in the form of a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that happens in the old age, marked with the existence of senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. Kidneys are the vital organs which may have potential to get affected by the brain damage that is caused by amyloid beta-42 (Aβ42) retention. The aim of this study was to identify the amyloidopathy on mice renal tissues which is divided into two groups; the immunized mice by Aβ42 (n=6), and controls (n=8). Histopathological observations of renal tissue were carried out by using Hematoxylin Eosin staining. The lesion findings were then analyzed descriptively and semiquantitatively. Based on the observations, pathological lesions of interstitial inflammation that were filled with lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages inflammatory cells, congestion, and hemorrhage were also identified in both treated and control mice renal tissues. The observed renal organs on the treated mice did not show glomerular sclerosis lesions, nor interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. These findings are expected to complete the information regarding the use of mice as model organism of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and assist in developing a diagnostic kit for AD. Keywords: alzheimer’s disease, amyloidosis, histopathology, kidneys, mice.