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dc.contributor.advisorTriwidodo, Hermanu
dc.contributor.advisorKhairani, Hagia Sophia
dc.contributor.authorRosfalina, Rosiana Intan
dc.description.abstractHidroponik sebagai sistem budi daya pertanian modern dapat menjadi alternatif cara bercocok tanam yang cukup ideal. Namun, terlepas dari berbagai keunggulan yang dimilikinya, hidroponik juga masih tidak luput dari serangan OPT, begitupun yang terjadi di PT Lumina Agro Madania. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari sistem budi daya, gangguan, dan cara pengelolaan OPT di PT Lumina Agro Madania Bogor. Data lapang diperoleh dengan melakukan skoring penyakit dan memasang yellow-sticky trap di 2 petak rumah kaca yang ditanami selada Green romaine dan Lollorossa. Setiap petak diambil 20 tanaman contoh per varietas secara acak sistematis dengan 5 interval. Pengamatan lapang meliputi: aspek budi daya, keragaman jenis serangga, insidensi dan severitas penyakit, serta cara pengelolaan OPT. Sedangkan, pengujian laboratorium meliputi: menguji sampel benih dengan teknik blotter test, mengisolasi dan melakukan karakterisasi cendawan patogen dari daun bergejala, dan mengidentifikasi OPT. Data-data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dengan Microsoft Office Excel 2013 dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data tingkat infeksi cendawan benih dianalisis ragam menggunakan SAS 9.0 dengan uji lanjut Tukey pada α=0.05. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan tanaman terserang penyakit bercak daun Cercospora longissima dengan tingkat insidensi 100% dan severitas ≥ 25%. Keragaman jenis serangga yang pada hasil trap didominasi oleh ordo Diptera, diikuti ordo Coleoptera, Hemiptera, dan Hymenoptera. Hasil pengujian benih dan isolasi daun bergejala menunjukkan keragaman morfologi karakter cendawan yang cukup beragam. Pengelolaan OPT yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan menggunakan yellow-bottle trap dan pestisida nabati
dc.description.abstractHydroponics is a modern agricultural cultivation system that can be an ideal alternative way of farming. However, apart from the various advantages it offers, hydroponics can still be attacked by pests and disease, as happened at PT Lumina Agro Madania. This study aims to study the cultivation system, disturbance, and how to manage the pest and disease in PT Lumina Agro Madania Bogor. Field data was obtained by scoring the disease and installing yellow-sticky traps on 2 greenhouse plots planted with Green romaine and Lollorossa lettuce. For each plot, 20 sample plants per variety were taken systematically randomly with 5 intervals. Field observations include aspects of cultivation, diversity of insects, disease incidence and severity, as well as pest and disease management methods. Meanwhile, laboratory tests include tested seed samples using the blotter test technique, isolated and characterized pathogenic fungi from symptomatic leaves, and identified pests and diseases. The data obtained were tabulated with Microsoft Office Excel 2013 software and analyzed descriptively. The fungal infection rate data obtained from the blotter test were analyzed for variance using the SAS 9.0 program with Tukey's further test at α=0.05. The results showed that the plant was attacked by Cercospora longissima leaf spot disease with an incidence rate of 100% and a severity of ≥ 25%. The diversity of insect species in the trap results was dominated by the Diptera order, followed by the Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Hymenoptera orders. The results of seed testing and symptomatic leaf isolation showed quite diverse morphological characteristics of the fungi. The pest and disease management carried out by the company uses yellow-bottle traps and commercial botanical
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengelolaan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman pada Sistem Budi Daya Hidroponik di PT Lumina Agro Madania Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeManagement of Plant Pest Organisms in the Hydroponic Cultivation System at PT Lumina Agro Madania Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordIPM (integrated pest management)id
dc.subject.keywordpest and diseaseid
dc.subject.keywordsticky trapid

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