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dc.contributor.advisorTiryana, Tatang
dc.contributor.authorFransiska, Ade
dc.description.abstractPendugaan biomassa hutan seringkali menggunakan model alometrik global ketika model alometrik lokal tidak tersedia. Namun, belum banyak pengujian akurasi model alometrik global untuk pendugaan biomassa pohon. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji keakuratan model alometrik global (yaitu model Chave dan Komiyama) untuk pendugaan biomassa pohon pada hutan lahan kering sekunder, hutan tanaman, dan hutan mangrove sekunder di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka, data biomassa pohon diperoleh dari pustaka yang telah dipublikasikan. Keakuratan pendugaan biomassa dari model alometrik global dinilai dengan menghitung beberapa nilai statistik (yaitu ME, PE, RMSE, dan MAPE), semakin kecil nilai statistik, semakin tinggi akurasi model alometrik global. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model alometrik global Chave yang menggunakan variabel kerapatan kayu, diameter pohon, tinggi pohon lebih akurat untuk pendugaan biomassa pohon di hutan lahan kering sekunder, sedangkan model alometrik global Chave yang menggunakan variabel kerapatan kayu dan diameter pohon lebih akurat untuk menduga biomassa pohon hutan tanaman. Model alometrik global Komiyama lebih akurat untuk menduga biomassa pohon hutan
dc.description.abstractEstimation of forest biomass often uses global allometric models when local allometric models were not available. However, there have not been many tests on the accuracy of global allometric models for estimating tree biomass. This study aimed to test the accuracy of global allometric models (i.e. Chave and Komiyama models) for estimating tree biomass at secondary dryland forests, plantation forests, and mangrove forests in Indonesia. This study used a literature review method, where tree biomass data were obtained from published literatures. The accuracy of biomass estimation from the global allometric models was assessed by calculating some statistical values (i.e. ME, PE, RMSE, and MAPE), in which the smaller the statistical values, the higher the accuracy of the global allometric models. The results showed that the Chave's global allometric model, which uses wood density, tree diameter, tree height variables, was more accurate for estimating tree biomass of secondary dryland forests, while the Chave's global allometric model that use, wood density and tree diameter variables was more accurate for estimating tree biomass of plantation forests. The Komiyama's global allometric model was more accurate for estimating tree biomass of mangrove
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleValidasi Model-model Alometrik Global untuk Pendugaan Biomassa Berbagai Jenis Pohon di Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeValidation of Global Allometric Models for Estimating Various Tree Species in Indonesiaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordTree Biomassid
dc.subject.keywordAllometric Modelid

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