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dc.contributor.advisorPoetri, Okti Nadia
dc.contributor.advisorEkastuti, Damiana Rita
dc.contributor.authorEsfandiari, Aldila
dc.description.abstractVirus influenza merupakan virus yang dapat menular dan menginfeksi saluran pernapasan, memiliki spektrum yang luas meliputi manusia dan beberapa spesies lainnya. Virus influenza yang sering menginfeksi manusia yaitu influenza A dan B. Penularan virus influenza antar manusia terjadi melalui droplet saat batuk, bersin, dan berbicara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari respons pembentukan antibodi spesifik virus influenza pada ayam layer yang divaksinasi influenza kuadrivalen. Penelitian ini digunakan tiga ekor ayam layer ras Hy-line Brown yang divaksinasi vaksin influenza kuadrivalen yang berisi virus influenza tipe A dan B. Vaksinasi dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan dosis 0,25 mL/ekor melalui rute intramuskular pada otot dada. Vaksinasi pertama dilakukan pada saat usia ayam 24 minggu, kemudian booster dilakukan pada usia 28 dan 32 minggu. Serum dan kuning telur dikoleksi dan diperiksa keberadaan antibodi spesifik-nya sejak minggu pertama sampai dengan minggu ke-20 pasca vaksinasi pertama. Keberadaan antibodi spesifik ditentukan dengan metode Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT). Antibodi spesifik influenza telah terdeteksi pada serum dan telur sejak minggu ke-1 sampai dengan minggu ke-20 pasca vaksinasi pertama. Titer antibodi influenza tertinggi pada serum dan kuning telur mencapai 23, diperoleh setelah booster kedua. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa antibodi spesifik virus influenza tipe A dan B dapat di hasilkan pada serum dan kuning telur
dc.description.abstractInfluenza virus is able to infect respiratory tract, has a broad host range such as human and other species. Influenza type A an B is the most influenza type that infect human. Its transmission between humans occurred through droplets when coughing, sneezing and talking. This research aims to study the specific antibody response of influenza virus amongst layer chickens vaccinated with quadrivalent influenza. Three Hy-line Brown layers were vaccinated with quadrivalent influenza type A and B inactivated vaccines. Vaccination was carried out three times at a dose of 0.25 mL/chicken by intramuscular route. The first vaccination was carried out at 24 weeks of age, then boosters were performed at 28 and 32 weeks of age. Serum and egg yolk were collected and checked for the presence of specific antibodies from the first week to the 20th week after the first vaccination. The presence of specific antibodies and antibody titer was determined by the Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT) method. Influenza-specific antibodies have been detected in serum and egg yolk from week 1 to week 20 after the first vaccination. The highest influenza antibody titer in serum and egg yolk reached 23, obtained at 9 and 10 weeks after the first vaccination. This highest titer is obtained after the 2nd booster. The results of this study indicate that specific antibodies to influenza virus types A and B can be produced in serum and chicken egg
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleRespons Pembentukan Antibodi Spesifik Influenza pada Ayam Layer yang Divaksinasi Influenza Kuadrivalenid
dc.title.alternativeSpesific Antibody Response of Influenza amongst Layer Chickens Vaccinated with Influenza Quadrivalentid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordagar gel precipitation test (AGPT),id
dc.subject.keywordlayer chickenid

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