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dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Fadli
dc.description.abstractBasically society have potency to improve their life self-supportingly. The potency for example there are at institution of Musholla Khoirus Subban in Desa Banjaran. Musholla have potency to improve wellfare of community because there are social capital in the form of cooperation existence, religion solidarity, and demand as follower of Islam; there are source of finansial that coming from communal ownership, religious obligatory, and shodaqoh; and also the belief community to religion figure occupying first rank; physical capital in the form of medium of musholla, and the human being capital in the form of new manager, and the religion figure ( result of PL). However the potency during the time not yet been exploited in an optimal fashion, the mentioned seen from program and musholla activity mostly centre around activity of ritually and ceremonially. This study aim to to plan program of reinforcement of musholla capacities in effort improve community Desa Banjaran wellfare. Method that used in data collecting is indepth interview, participatory observation, and FGD done to look for primary data, that is taken direct from the field. As for data sekunder, that is data which is taken away from a document which have been proceed and taken through documentation study. Compilation program have done through FGD by using logical framework . Pursuant to result analyse, Musholla Khoirus Subban have some strength which can become potency to execute activity of making up of wellfare, but also have weakness becoming constraint. Especial weakness hindering the small mosque to do activity of making up of wellfare is the lack of knowledge about musholla function. Strategy to overcome constraint faced by musholla is by doing to transfer knowledge utilize to change perception of community and manager about small mosque function. To do to transfer required a program in order to community gather routinely and at one blow to making up their organization abilities, it is program of making up organization ability. Therefore program that planned pursuant to desire community according to what be felt more important by community. Through that program hereinafter earn done to transfer knowledge to community about musholla function comprehensively. Basically community Musholla Khoirus Subban agree that musholla serve the purpose of the medium to increase the prosperity. Just only the lack of their knowledge about function of musholla causes their feel atypical if doing the activity. Economic factor and lose looks routine activity of musholla causes communitiy less participate in routine
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.titleUpaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Melalui Penguatan Kelembagaan Musholla (Studi Kasus Musholla Khoirus Subban Desa Banjaran Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Pemalang)id

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