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dc.contributor.advisorJuniantito, Vetnizah
dc.contributor.advisorSubangkit, Mawar
dc.contributor.authorAndesra, Afija
dc.description.abstractStudi mengenai penyakit menular pada hewan yang disebabkan oleh virus telah banyak dilakukan di berbagai tempat di dunia, salah satu penyakitnya adalah Infectious Canine Hepatitis (ICH). ICH adalah penyakit menular pada anjing dan dapat menular ke hewan lain disebabkan oleh canine adenovirus tipe 1 (CAV-1). Studi literatur ini bertujuan mengkaji gambaran patologi hewan yang terinfeksi ICH dan mengetahui hewan apa saja yang peka terhadap ICH. Hewan yang peka terhadap ICH adalah coyote, rubah, serigala, beruang coklat (Ursos arctos), sigung belang (Mephitis mephitis), dan berang-berang (Lutra lutra). Target utama dari virus CAV-1 adalah sel endotel dan hepatosit. Pemeriksaan patologi-anatomi organ hewan yang terinfeksi ICH menunjukkan hati mudah rapuh, edema dan sedikit membesar. Infark hemoragik pada korteks ginjal. Paru-paru dan dinding kantung empedu mengalami edema. Limpa dan kelenjar getah bening juga mengalami edema dan pteki. Edema kornea pada mata, otak mengalami pteki. Perdarahan (ekimosis) pada mukosa saluran pencernaan. Pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan terdapat badan inklusi intranuklear pada organ hati, ginjal, mata, dan otak, pada hati ditemukan nekrosis hati disertai dengan infiltrasi sel radang. Nefritis interstisial pada ginjal. Uveitis anterior dan degenerasi kornea pada mata, serta proliferasi sel glia pada otak. Gambaran patologi-anatomi dan histopatologi yang menciri ICH adalah hepatitis, edema pada kantung empedu dan badan inklusi intranuklear pada hepatosit serta sel-sel endotel di organ lain. Perlu dikembangkan metode deteksi survei CAV-1 untuk mengetahui prevalensi kasus ICH di
dc.description.abstractStudies on infectious diseases in animals caused by viruses have been carried out in various places in the world. One of the diseases which considered important is Infectious Canine Hepatitis (ICH). ICH is an infectious disease in dogs and can be transmitted to other animals caused by canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1). The literature study aims to examine the pathological features of animals infected with ICH and find out which animals are sensitive to it ICH. Animals sensitive to ICH are coyotes, foxes, wolves, brown bears (Ursos arctos), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), and beavers (Lutra lutra). The main targets of the CAV-1 virus are endothelial cells and hepatocytes. The main pathomorphological features in organs of animals which infected with ICH are fragile, edematous and slightly enlarged liver. Additionally, there is hemorrhagic infarction of the renal cortex. The lungs and gallbladder walls are often edematous. The spleen and lymph nodes are edematous with petechiae. Corneal edema of the eye, the brain has petechiae. The presence of bleeding (ecchymosis) in the mucosa of the digestive tract. Histopathological examination showed that there were intranuclear inclusion bodies in all affected organs such as in the liver, kidney, eyes and brain. The liver shows liver necrosis accompanied by inflammatory cells infiltration, interstitial nephritis of the kidney, anterior uveitis and corneal degeneration of the eye, along with proliferation of glial cells in the brain. Conclusively, pathological hallmarks of that characterize ICH are hepatitis, edematous gallbladder, and intranuclear inclusion bodies within the hepatocytes and endothelial cells of many organs. It is necessary to develope detection method for surveying CAV-1 to determine ICH prevalency in
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi Literatur: Gambaran Patologi Infectious Canine Hepatitis pada Berbagai Hewanid
dc.title.alternativeLiteratur Review: Overview in the Pathology of Infectious Canine Hepatitis in Various Animalsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPathologic anatomyid

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