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dc.contributor.advisorRusdiana, Omo
dc.contributor.authorSafira, Doani Anggi
dc.description.abstractTaman Hutan Kota Muhammad Sabki merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka hijau yang ada di Kota Jambi. Salah satu fungsi taman hutan kota adalah sebagai sumber air bagi masyarakat kota. Sifat fisika tanah merupakan unsur lingkungan yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap tersedianya air, udara tanah dan secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi ketersediaan unsur hara tanaman. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sifat fisik tanah dan menghitung laju infiltrasi pada kerapatan tajuk yang berbeda. Kerapatan tajuk diukur menggunakan spherical densiometer (SD) kemudian sampel tanah diambil pada tiga titik dengan plot berukuran 20m × 20m pada setiap kerapatan tajuk. Sampel tanah kemudian dianalisis tekstur, bobot isi, porositas, dan kadar air. Laju infiltrasi diukur menggunakan double ring infiltrometer dengan melihat besar penurunan air pada ring bagian dalam melalui mistar hingga konstan, kemudian data juga diolah menggunakan model rumus Horton. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tekstur tanah yang dominan berupa lempung, bobot isi tanah tergolong sedang, kadar air pada kerapatan tajuk rapat, cukup, dan jarang berturut-turut sebesar 20,37%, 25,33%, dan 29,27%, porositas tergolong porous sampai dengan baik dan kelas infiltrasi tanah tergolong sangat cepat. Hubungan antara tingkat kerapatan tajuk dan sifat fisik tanah memiliki korelasi positif signifikan pada infiltrasi tanah dan negatif signifikan pada kadar air
dc.description.abstractUrban forests have an important role in maintaining the hydrological cycle. The hydrological cycle is important in relation to the provision of water in the soil. Muhammad Sabki Urban Forest Park is one of the green open spaces in Jambi City, One of the functions of the urban forest park is as a source of water for the city community. The physical properties of soil are environmental elements that greatly affect the availability of water and soil air and indirectly affect the availability of plant nutrients. The purpose of this research is to analyze the physical properties of the soil and calculate the infiltration rate at different canopy densities. Canopy density was measured using a spherical densiometer (SD) then soil samples are taken at three points with a plot measuring 20m × 20m at each canopy density. Soil samples are then analyzed for texture, bulk density, porosity, and moisture content. The infiltration rate is measured using a double ring infiltrometer by looking at the amount of water decrease in the inner ring through the ruler until it is constant, then the data is also processed using the Horton formula model. Based on the results of the study, the dominant soil texture in the form of clay, the weight of the soil is classified as moderate, the moisture content of the canopy density are 20,37%, 25,33%, and 29,27%, the porosity is classified as porous to good and the class of soil infiltration is very fast. The relationship between the level of canopy density and the physical properties of the soil has a significant positive correlation with soil infiltration and a significant negative correlation with soil water
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSifat Fisik Tanah dan Laju Infiltrasi pada Berbagai Tingkat Kerapatan Tajuk di Taman Hutan Kota Muhammad Sabki, Jambiid
dc.title.alternativeSoil Physical Properties and Infiltration Rate at Various Density Levels in The Urban Forest Park of Muhammad Sabki, Jambiid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbulk densityid
dc.subject.keywordwater contentid

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