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dc.contributor.advisorHaneda, Noor Farikhah
dc.contributor.authorKadha, Faustinus
dc.description.abstractLak merupakan resin yang berasal dari sekresi kutu lak (Laccifer lacca Kerr) pada inang kesambi. Lak memiliki kegunaan untuk cat, tinta, farmasi, kosmetik, industri elektrik, industri pelapisan permukaan (surface coating industry), industri kembang gula, pelapis buah dan sayuran, minuman ringan, dan pewarna untuk industri tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penggunaan teknik pompa injeksi dan multi injektor untuk menginjeksikan larutan gula cair lontar ke pohon kesambi agar dapat meningkatkan vitalitas tanaman inang dan produktivitas lak. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Percobaan ini memiliki dua faktor. Faktor pertama terdiri dari 2 level yaitu teknik pompa injeksi dan multi injektor. Faktor kedua terdiri dari 4 level yaitu larutan gula cair lontar (LGCL) konsentrasi: 0 ppm (air), 3000 ppm, 6000 ppm, dan 9000 ppm. Setiap unit percobaan diulang 3 kali (3 pohon). LGCL diinjeksikan ke lubang bor yang telah dibuat dengan teknik pompa injeksi dan multi injektor (gravitasi). Percobaan dilakukan selama 5 bulan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada produksi dan kualitas lak dengan mengukur berat dan mutu lak. Vitalitas tanaman inang diukur menggunakan parameter pertumbuhan diameter ranting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik injeksi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah serapan nutrisi larutan gula cair lontar (LGCL). Pohon kesambi memiliki berat jenis 1,01 dan pori-pori kayu yang sangat kecil sehingga translokasi air dan nutrisi berjalan sangat lambat. Teknik pompa injeksi meningkatkan serapan LGCL sebanyak 5,3% dibandingkan dengan teknik multi injektor. Injeksi LGCL tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan diameter ranting pohon kesambi (vitalitas). Pertumbuhan diameter ranting pada penelitian ini tergolong lambat, yaitu sebesar 0,3 cm/5 bulan pengamatan pada semua konsentrasi LGCL. Sementara itu, injeksi LGCL berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat lak yang dihasilkan. Berat lak yang dihasilkan pada injeksi LGCL 9000 ppm lebih besar (13,7 g) dibandingkan dengan injeksi LGCL 3000 ppm (1,28 g). Namun pada injeksi LGCL 0 ppm (air) menunjukkan berat lak yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan injeksi LGCL 9000 ppm. Kualitas lak yang dihasilkan belum memenuhi standar kadar air dan abu lak. Kadar air lebih besar dari 2,5%, sedangkan kadar abunya berkisar antara 0,63–0,65%. Namun warna dan besar butiran lak memenuhi standar mutu SNI yaitu, lak berwarna kuning kecoklatan memenuhi standar mutu P (Kualitas Pertama) dan besar butiran memenuhi standar mutu D (Kualitas Kedua). Kandungan senyawa aktif lak yang dominan yaitu oleic acid dan methyl
dc.description.abstractLac is a resin produced by the secretion of a small insect of Laccifer lacca in Kesambi host trees. Lac resin is useful for paint, ink, pharmacy, cosmetics, electricity, coating (candy, fruits, and vegetables), soft drink, and dyeing in the textile industry. This research's objectives were to study the utilization of injection pump technique and multiple injectors to inject lontar liquid sugar solution in kesambi host plant for increasing the vitality of host plants and productivity of lac. The experimental design used was factorial in a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of two factors. The first factor was injection techniques; the second factor was the concentration of lontar liquid sugar solution (LLSS). The first factor consisted of two levels: injection pump technique and multiple injectors; the second factor consisted of four levels: 0 ppm (water), 3000 ppm, 6000 ppm, and 9000 ppm concentration of LLSS. Each treatment unit was repeated for three replicates (3 trees) and inoculated on three different branches. The LLSS was injected into the boreholes using the pump injection technique and the multi injection technique. Research was conducted for 5 months. The observation was conducted on the lac production and quality by measuring the weight and quality of lac. The growth of branch diameter was measured as host plant vitality. The results showed that the injection technique did not significantly affect the amount of LLSS uptake. Kesambi tree has small wood pores and high bulk density (1,01), so water and nutrient translocation were very slow. The injection pump technique increased the LLSS uptake to 5,3% compared to the multi injection technique. LLSS injection did not significantly affect the diameter growth of kesambi branches. The growth of diameter branches in this study was relatively slow (0,3 cm/5 months) overall LLSS concentrations. Meanwhile, LLSS injection had a significant effect on lac production. The lac weight production in LLSS injection 9000 ppm was higher (13,7 g) than 3000 ppm LLSS injection (1,28 g). However, the 0 ppm LLSS injection (water) produced a higher lac weight than 9000 ppm LLSS injection. The quality of lac did not meet the Bureau of Indian Standards due to its water content and lac ash. Water content in lac was more than 2.5%, while the lac ash was about 0,63–0,65%. However, the color and size of lac fulfilled the SNI (Indonesian National Standarts) quality standard, namely, the brownish yellow lac fulfilled the P (Primary Quality) quality standard and the grain size met the standard D (Second Quality). The dominant lac active compound was oleic acid and methyl
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleInjeksi Larutan Gula Cair Lontar untuk Meningkatkan Vitalitas Tanaman Inang dan Produktivitas Lakid
dc.title.alternativeLontar Liquid Sugar Solution Injection for Increasing the Vitality of Host Plants and Productivity of Lacid
dc.subject.keywordinjection pumpid
dc.subject.keywordinsect lacid
dc.subject.keywordLaccifer laccaid
dc.subject.keywordmultiple injectorid

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