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dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Ratih Dewanti
dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Nur
dc.contributor.authorFitrawanti, Alisyahdani
dc.description.abstractTujuh puluh sembilan persen dari kebutuhan susu dalam negeri Indonesia dipenuhi oleh bahan baku bubuk susu impor. Bahan baku impor memiliki kerentanan terhadap kecurangan pangan atau food fraud karena rantai pasoknya yang panjang dan melibatkan banyak pihak, adanya kesenjangan pasokan versus permintaan yang berpengaruh terhadap harga bahan baku, serta terjadinya fluktuasi harga antar negara karena penerapan regulasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor kerentanan food fraud menggunakan piranti Safe Supply Affordable Food Everywhere (SSAFE 2020), mengidentifikasi faktor lokal spesifik yang rentan terhadap food fraud di industri susu bubuk dan menyusun strategi mitigasi yang akan diterapkan di perusahaan. Responden penelitian terdiri dari satu responden otoritas pemerintah penyusun regulasi keamanan pangan di Indonesia yakni Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) dan 12 praktisi di perusahaan. Responden praktisi adalah pimpinan departemen yang bertanggung jawab terhadap proses bisnis di setiap departemen dan responden pemerintah adalah kepala seksi inspeksi pangan olahan tertentu. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua perusahaan yakni PT X yang menggunakan bahan baku bubuk susu impor dan susu cair dari peternak lokal dan PT Y yang menggunakan bahan baku bubuk susu impor saja. Penelitian diawali dengan wawancara kepada responden menggunakan kuesioner SSAFE dan satu tambahan pertanyaan terbuka. Piranti SSAFE terdiri dari lima puluh indikator dalam bentuk pertanyaan yang mewakili faktor kesempatan, motivasi, dan sistem pengawasan. Analisis dilakukan dalam tiga tahap. Tahap pertama adalah pemetaan indikator SSAFE masing-masing perusahaan untuk melihat persamaan dan perbedaan faktor kerentanan food fraud; tahap kedua adalah pemetaan gabungan kedua perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor utama kerentanan food fraud; dan tahap ketiga adalah analisa kesesuaian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor kerentanan lokal di industri susu bubuk. Penyusunan strategi mitigasi dilakukan piranti SSAFE. Strategi mitigasi yang dirumuskan merupakan hasil analisis keterkaitan antara faktor kesempatan, motivasi dan sistem pengawasan. Finalisasi strategi mitigasi dilakukan dengan FGD (focused group discussion) dan divalidasi terhadap sumber pustaka. Hasil pemetaan pada faktor kesempatan, PT X dan PT Y memiliki kerentanan sama pada indikator ketersediaan teknologi, bukti insiden food fraud di bahan baku dan produk akhir susu. Perbedaan ditunjukkan pada indikator kemudahan food fraud dilakukan pada bahan baku. PT X menggunakan bahan baku susu cair sehingga lebih rentan untuk dilakukan food fraud dibandingkan bahan baku bubuk. Faktor motivasi memiliki persamaan kerentanan tinggi pada indikator tingkat korupsi dan perbedaan harga bahan baku terkait regulasi yang berbeda antar negara. Perbedaan pada faktor motivasi di kedua perusahaan terdapat pada indikator negara asal sumber bahan baku. PT X memiliki kerentanan lebih tinggi dibandingkan PT Y karena menggunakan bahan baku susu cair dari peternak lokal. Bahan baku yang bersumber dari negara dengan tingkat korupsi tinggi lebih rentan dilakukan food fraud. Persamaan pada faktor sistem pengawasan yaitu pada penerapan uji integritas karyawan, pengawasan sosial oleh asosiasi industri, keberadaan pedoman food fraud, kebijakan negara, penegakan hukum negara terhadap food fraud dan prosedur kesiapsiagaan terhadap risiko food fraud. Perbedaan di kedua perusahaan terdapat pada indikator penerapan deteksi food fraud di bahan baku. PT X memiliki kerentanan lebih rendah terhadap food fraud karena telah menerapkan deteksi food fraud pada penerimaan bahan bakunya. Pemetaan gabungan kedua perusahaan menunjukkan, faktor utama kesempatan yang rentan terhadap food fraud yaitu tipe bahan baku, keberadaan teknologi, bukti insiden food fraud di bahan baku maupun produk akhir yang pernah terjadi. Faktor utama motivasi yaitu tingkat korupsi di Indonesia sebagai negara lokasi kedua perusahaan dan perbedaan harga bahan baku karena perbedaan regulasi antar negara. Faktor kerentanan utama sistem pengawasan adalah pelaksanaan uji integritas karyawan, prosedur tanggap darurat terhadap food fraud, terbatasnya pertukaran informasi antar industri terkait food fraud, belum terdapat pedoman mitigasi food fraud, kebijakan negara dan efektivitas penegakan hukum terkait food fraud di lokal dan internasional. Hasil identifikasi faktor lokal yang rentan terhadap food fraud antara lain penerapan standar produksi dan higienitas di peternak lokal yang tidak konsisten, pandemi COVID-19, daya beli dan sistem pengawasan sosial dari masyarakat yang masih rendah. Strategi mitigasi yang dirumuskan adalah hasil analisa keterkaitan antara faktor kerentanan utama pada kesempatan dan motivasi dengan sistem pengawasan yang diterapkan. Tiga strategi mitigasi yang perlu dilakukan pada sistem pengawasan untuk pencegahan food fraud yaitu perbaikan sistem pengawasan di bahan baku susu bubuk yang berfokus pada deteksi food fraud, penerapan uji integritas karyawan serta usulan penyusunan pedoman teknis pencegahan food fraud yang dapat digunakan untuk acuan industri menerapkan mitigasi. Strategi mitigasi yang diterapkan untuk faktor kerentanan lokal yang diidentifikasi adalah konsistensi pembinaan terhadap peternak dan edukasi masyarakat melalui pemberian informasi yang jelas di kemasan
dc.description.abstractSeventy nine percent of domestic milk need in Indonesia is fulfilled by imported ingredients. Use of imported ingredients posed several vulnerabilities to food fraud due to its long supply chains involving many parties, supply and demand gaps that affect the price of raw materials and the price differences between country due to regulatory differences. This study aim to identify food fraud vulnerability factors in two powdered milk industries in Indonesia using the Safe Supply Affordable Food Everywhere (SSAFE 2020) tools and the local factors in purpose to set up mitigation strategy in companies. Respondents were one personnel National Agency of Drug and Food Control or Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan and 12 practitioners at milk companies. Practitioners respondents were the heads of the department in studied companies. Meanwhile, government authority was represented by the section head. The study was conducted in two companies PT X which uses imported milk powder as well as liquid milk from local breeder and PT Y which only uses imported milk powder. The study was carried out by interview using SSAFE questionnaire and one open-ended question. The SSAFE consists of 50 questions or indicators representing 3 factors of food fraud: opportunity, motivation and control measures. The study was conducted in 3 steps. The first step was mapping of SSAFE indicators in each company to observe similarities and differences. The second step was a combined mapping between two companies to determine the main food fraud vulnerability factors. The third step was matching the response of the open-ended question result to identify local food fraud vulnerability factors. The mitigation strategy was developed through an internal focused group discussions (FGD) for main food fraud vulnerability factors and local factors which was identified. The FGD participant are department heads from both companies. The conclusions from the FGD results was carried out with the agreement of the participants and validated against reference sources. The mitigation strategies was carried out using SSAFE tools. The mitigation strategy formulated is the result of an analysis of the linkages between opportunity factors, motivation and control measures. The finalization of mitigation strategy was carried out with FGD (focused group discussion) and validated to the literature source. The results of opportunities factors mapping at PT X and PT Y showed similarities on indicator: technological availability to commit fraud, food fraud historical incident in raw materials and final products. Differences of result shown on indicator easeness to adulterate raw materials. PT X uses liquid milk which has higher vulnerability to food fraud compare to milk powder. Motivation factor mapping shown high vulnerability on corruption levels and raw material price differences due to regulations between countries. Differences on motivation factor shown by linked of raw material origin with fraud vulnerability. PT X has higher vulnerability than PT Y due to usage of liquid milk from local breeders. Raw materials which coming from the country categorized as high corruption level increase the risk of food fraud. Result of control measures mapping factors mapping shown similarities on indicators: employee integrity tests implementation, social controls by industrial association, food fraud prevention guidelines and emergency response procedure relate to food fraud. Indicator that shown differences are implementation of food fraud detection in raw materials. PT X has a lower vulnerability to food fraud because it has implemented food fraud detection on its raw material receipt. Combine mapping analysis result shown main opportunity factors namely type of ingredient, availability of technology to commit food fraud, historical food fraud incidents in ingredient and final products. Main motivational factors are level of corruption in Indonesia where both companies are located and price differences in raw material prices due to regulations between countries. Main food fraud vulnerability factors on control measures are integrity test employee, food fraud contingency plan, limitation of information exchange on incident and food fraud, absence of guidelines for mitigating food fraud in the industry, food policy againt food fraud and law enforcement against food fraud local and international. The local vulnerability factors identified were poor implementation of standard production processes and hygiene at local breeders, COVID-19 pandemic, community purchasing power and low social control measure from the community. The mitigation strategy formulated is the result of analysis of the linkages between the main vulnerability factors on opportunity and motivation with the control measures. Three mitigation strategies that need to be carried out in the control measures to prevent food fraud are the improvement of the control measures in powdered milk raw materialw that focuses on the detection of food fraud, the application of employee integrity tests and the proposed preparation of technical guidelines for food fraud prevention that can be used for industry reference to implement mitigation. Mitigation strategies applied to local vulnerability factors identified are consistency of development towards farmers and public education through the provision of clear information on product
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Faktor Kerentanan dan Upaya Mitigasi Food Fraud : Studi Kasus Pada Industri Susu Bubukid
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of Food Fraud Vulnerability Factors and Mitigation : A Case Study in The Powder Milk Industryid
dc.subject.keywordfood fraudid
dc.subject.keywordsusu bubuk/milk powderid

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