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dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Yusuf Sudo
dc.contributor.authorSafitri, Cindy Abdyani
dc.description.abstractKayu pinus (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese) dan jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb) Miq.) termasuk kelas awet V yang rentan terhadap serangan organisme perusak, sehingga ketahanannya perlu ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh bahan pengawet imidakloprid terhadap perubahan warna dan ketahanan kayu pinus dan jabon akibat serangan rayap tanah melalui uji kubur selama satu tahun. Pengawetan kayu menggunakan metode vakum tekan dengan bahan pengawet imidakloprid. Pengujian terdiri dari kerapatan, kadar air, retensi, perubahan warna, kehilangan berat, dan tingkat ketahanan kayu. Pengujian tingkat ketahanan kayu menggunakan standar ASTM D 1758-06 dimodifikasi. Hasil menunjukkan pada semua contoh uji setelah uji kubur terjadi perubahan warna dengan nilai perubahan warna (ΔE*) yang besar dan perubahan warna antar contoh uji satu sama lain tidak berbeda. Nilai retensi kayu pinus lebih rendah dibandingkan kayu jabon. Kayu pinus dan jabon kontrol dengan pengawetan imidakloprid berbeda nyata pada pengujian kerapatan, kadar air, kehilangan berat, dan tingkat ketahanan
dc.description.abstractPine (Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et de Vriese) and jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb) Miq.) belong to durable class V which are susceptible to attack by destructive organisms, so their resistance need to be increased. This study aims to analyze the effect of imidacloprid as a preservative on discoloration and resistance of pine and jabon wood due to subterranean termite attack through a one-year grave test. The preservation of wood used the vacuum-pressed method with the preservative imidacloprid. The test consists of density, moisture content, retention, discoloration, weight loss, and wood resistance level. The protection level test of wood used the modified ASTM D 1758-06 standard. The results showed that after the grave test, all samples had a color change with a large color change va lue (ΔE*) and the color cha nges (ΔE*) of the samples were not different from one another. The retention value of pine wood is lower than jabon wood. Pine wood and control jabon with imidacloprid preservation were significantly different in tests of density, moisture content, weight loss, and wood protection
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerubahan Warna dan Ketahanan Kayu Pinus dan Jabon Terawetkan Imidakloprid terhadap Rayap Tanah melalui Uji Kuburid
dc.title.alternativeColor Change and Resistance of Pine and Jabon Wood Preserved with Imidacloprid againts Subterranean Termites through Graveyard Testid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordwood resistanceid

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