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dc.contributor.advisorPurwakusuma, Wahyu
dc.contributor.advisorBaskoro, Dwi Putro Tejo
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Nur Rahmawati
dc.description.abstractKekuatan geser tanah ditentukan untuk mengukur kemampuan tanah menahan tegangan geser tanpa terjadi keruntuhan. Pengetahuan mengenai kekuatan geser tanah penting dipahami guna menyelesaikan persoalan praktis perihal potensi terjadinya pergerakan tanah akibat berbagai aktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi sifat fisik tanah yang berkaitan dengan nilai kekuatan tanah pada tiga kelas kemiringan lereng lahan terbuka. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada tiga kelas lereng (15-30%, 30-45%, dan 45-65%) lahan terbuka pada kedalaman 0-20cm dan 20-40cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kekuatan geser tanah dan ketahanan penetrasi pada kedalaman 0-20cm lebih rendah dibandingkan kedalaman 20-40cm di tiga kelas lereng lahan terbuka. Nilai rata-rata kekuatan geser tanah pada kedalaman 20-40 cm semakin meningkat seiring bertambahnya kemiringan lereng, sementara ketahanan penetrasi tidak mempunyai pola yang tetap. Nilai Kekuatan tanah meningkat seiring dengan semakin tinggi kandungan klei dan rendahnya bahan organikid
dc.description.abstractSoil shear strength is the resistance of soil grains against pressure or pull. The knowledge about soil shear strength is important to solve practical problems regarding the potential of soil movement due to various agricultural activities. A research aims to identify the physical properties of soil related to the value of soil strength at three slope classes of bare land was conducted at PT. Perkebunan Buah Subang, Subang Regency, West Java. The research was carried out on three slope classes (15-30%, 30-45%, and 45-65%) of bare land at a depth of 0-20cm and 20- 40cm. The results showed that the soil shear strength and penetration resistance at a depth of 0-20cm are lower than those at a depth of 20-40cm in the three classes of bare land slopes. The average value of soil shear strength at a depth of 20-40cm increases as the slope increases. Meanwhile, the average penetration resistance showed no regular pattern. The value of soil strength increases as the higher the content of klei is, and the lower the organic matters content
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKekuatan Tanah pada Tiga Kelas Kemiringan Lereng Lahan Terbuka di PT. Perkebunan Buah Subangid
dc.title.alternativeSoil Strength in Three Different Slope of PT. Perkebunan Buah Subang Bare Landid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordOrganic mattersid
dc.subject.keywordpenetration resistance,id
dc.subject.keywordshear strengthid
dc.subject.keywordsoil movementid

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