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dc.contributor.authorSalsabila, Ghina
dc.description.abstractOpsi lookback adalah opsi yang payoff-nya bergantung pada harga saham terbesar atau harga saham terkecil yang dicapai selama masa berlaku opsi. Opsi lookback dikatakan dengan floating strike price jika nilai dari strike price sebesar harga saham pada saat jatuh tempo. Nilai hampiran opsi lookback ditentukan dengan metode Monte Carlo, sedangkan nilai eksak didapat dari nilai simulasi terbesar yang mampu dihitung oleh komputer. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan, nilai galat relatif yang dihasilkan semakin kecil dengan semakin bertambah banyaknya simulasi yang dilakukan, sehingga metode Monte Carlo untuk menghitung harga opsi lookback dengan floating strike price konvergen ke nilai
dc.description.abstractLookback option is an option whose payoff depends on the maximum or minimum of the asset price reached during the option period. The lookback option is said to be a floating strike price if the value of the strike price is equal to the stock price at maturity. The value of the lookback option is determined by the Monte Carlo method, while the exact value is obtained from the largest simulation value that the computer can compute. Based on the calculation results, the resulting relative error value get smaller with the increasing number of simulations performed. Therefore, the Monte Carlo method to calculate the price of the lookback option with the floating strike price converges to the exact
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenentuan Harga Opsi Lookback dengan Floating Strike Price Menggunakan Metode Monte Carloid
dc.title.alternativePricing of Lookback Options with Floating Strike Price Using The Monte Carlo Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordlookback optionid
dc.subject.keywordfloating strike priceid
dc.subject.keywordMonte Carlo methodid

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