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dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Muhammad Yusuf Erlangga
dc.description.abstractPengelolaan hutan yang melibatkan laki-laki dan perempuan akan memberikan manfaat yang besar dan mendukung tercapainya kesetaraan gender sebagai bagian dari perwujudan SDGs. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pembagian kerja dan partisipasi perempuan dan laki-laki pada pengelolaan hutan rakyat, serta menganalisis kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara studi literatur dan wawancara. Responden berjumlah 30 rumah tangga petani hutan rakyat yang diambil dengan cara purposive sampling dan dikelompokan berdasarkan strata kepemilikan lahan. Suami memiliki curahan waktu kerja yang lebih besar dan berperan dominan dalam pengambilan keputusan kegiatan produktif hutan rakyat, masalah pasca produksi pengelolaan hutan rakyat, pengelolaan keuangan hutan rakyat, dan aktivitas sosial. Sedangkan istri memiliki curahan waktu kerja yang besar dan berperan dominan dalam pengambilan keputusan masalah domestik keluarga. Kontribusi pendapatan hutan rakyat terbesar diperoleh oleh rumah tangga pemilik lahan starta 1. Namun, usaha hutan rakyat berkontribusi paling kecil terhadap pendapatan total rumah tangga, sedangkan usaha di luar pertanian (dagang) yang umumnya dilakukan oleh perempuan berkontribusi paling besar terhadap pendapatan rumah
dc.description.abstractCommunity forest management that involves men and women will provide enormous benefits and support the gender equality as part of the realization of the SDGs. This study aims to identify the division of labor and participation of women and men in community forest management, and to analyze their contribution to household income. Data were collected by means of literature studies and interviews. Respondents were 30 farmer households selected purposively and then grouped based on land ownership strata. Husbands have high amount of time spent working at community forest and play dominant role on the decision making for productive activities at community forest, as well as decision making on post-production , community forest financial management, and social activities. Meanwhile, the wife has high amount of time spent working on domestic activities and plays dominant role on the decision making of domestic family matters. The largest contribution of community forest income was found received by households with largest land ownership (> 1 ha) . However, community forest contributed the least to total household income, while non-farm activity (petty trading) which are generally carried out by women, has the highest income contribution to the
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Gender dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Nanggung Kabupaten Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeGender Analysis in Community Forest Management and Its Contribution to Household Income in Nanggung District, Bogor Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcommunity forestid
dc.subject.keyworddecision makingid
dc.subject.keywordtime allocationid

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