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dc.contributor.authorAfifuddin, Yunus
dc.description.abstractForest and land degradation has caused decreasing function of forest and land. Currently, 4.546,44 ha/year or 0.14% by total land of Sintang district and 25.697,50 ha/year or 3.13% by total land of Sanggau district has decreased at 1999-2004 (BPS). Agroforest Tembawang is one of effort to increasing function of forest. Agroforest Tembawang is traditional technology of Dayak to combine plantation vegetation with multipurpose spesices (MPTs). The objectives of the research are to conduct Total Economic Value (TEV) of Tembawang and the diversity species of Tembawang which influence to the TEV results. TEV was calculated by using the market price, substitution price and contingency valuation methods and it was based on estimating direct use, indirect use, option and existence value. The diversity species of Tembawang calculated by using INP method, Shannon-Wienner Index, Simpson Index, Richness Index, and Evenness index. The result was obtained that the diversity species of Tembawang Sanjan and Binjai, two of agroforest complex, close the value of diversity species of Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park (TNBB.) Ratation Index Shannon-wienner of tembawang are 3.1465 by Tembawang Binjai, 3.0016 by Tembawang Sanjan, and under its value by Tembawang Telaga Satu, Tanjung Ria, Wonoharjo, and Jatidamar. Therefore, the result was obtained that the TEV of Tembawang Binjai is Rp 518,95 millions/ha/year, Sanjan Rp.439,10 millions/ha/year, Telaga satu Rp. 270,21 millions/ha/year,Tanjung Ria Rp.275,61 millions/ha/year, Wonoharjo Rp.175,39 millions/ha/year, and Jatidamar Rp. 247,15 millions/ha/year. TEV of Tembawang are share 35.56% by Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP), 24.68% by log value, 30,85% by Carbon Stock Value, 8,79% by firewood, 0.06% by erosion value, 0.03% by option value and existence value. The curve of diversity species and TEV of six Tembawang shown fourth degree regression. While, the curve of Compatibility of Tembawang and TEV of six Tembawang,TNBB and Rubber Plantation shown third degree
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.titlePenilaian Ekonomi Agroforest Tembawang di Kabupaten Sintang dan Sanggau Propinsi Kalimantan Baratid

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