Studi Pengaruh Pengkondisian Pada Tepung Jagung Dengan Metode Penggilingan Kering
Conditioning is the process of adding water to corn kernel to facilitate loose of germ and pericarp, mellow the endosperm of the kernel thus the milling process becomes easier. Conditioning process was conducted with adding water (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%), and Ca(OH)2 concentration (0, 0.33, 0.5, 1.0 %). The amount of water added had significant effects on sieving flour yield. Meanwhile the amount of Ca(OH)2 concentration was added had not significant effects on sieving flour yield. L value increased whereas a and b value decreased with increase in water concentration. L and a value decreased whereas b value increase with increase in Ca(OH)2 concentration. Pasting properties of corn flour with water added were significantly increased with increasing water. Meanwhile pasting properties of corn flour with Ca(OH)2 added were significantly reduced with increasing lime concentration. Proximate analysis was conducted on each conditioning. Proximate analysis for conditioning with water added were, water (8,07-9,52% db), ash (0,35-0,38% db), protein (7,10-7,17% db), fat (2,30-2,3% db), and carbohydrate (90,15- 90,21% db). For conditioning with Ca(OH)2 added were, water (8,20-8,64% db), ash (0,37-0,62% db), protein (7,08-7,59% db), fat (2,30-2,38% db), and carbohydrate (89,50-90,25% db).