Identifikasi dan Analisis Budaya Perusahaan di Pabrik SCC & C (Spread Cooking Category and Culinary) PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., Cikarang.
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk is one of manufacturing companies in Indonesia producing toiletries and food. The company realizes the importance of assessing its corporate culture in order to achieve its vision and mission. This research was conducted at The SCC & C (Spread Cooking Category and Culinary) Factory of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. The purposes are to assess the now and the preferred dominant culture, and to analyze the different cultural perception between management and employees. The research used survey method and using two instruments, that were Reigle’s (2003) OCA (Organizational Culture Assessment) and Cameron and Quinn’s (2006) OCAI (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument) . The results show that using the OCA method the dominant corporate culture is an organic culture and the preferred one is to be more organic. Using the OCAI method, the culture is identified as a mix between market and clan culture. The preferred culture is to increase the clan dimension and to decrease the market dimension of culture. There is no different found between management and employee perception on current and preferred culture. This lack of perceived gap means that the company has a good potential to conduct cultural change. Based on the research findings, the company needs to focus on the management of employee. Consequently, it should improve the management competency especially in the areas of managing team, managing interpersonal relationship, and managing the development of others.