Analisis Dan Identifikasi Faktor Daya Saing Ekspor Komoditi Tekstil Dan Produk Tekstil
The aim of this research is to study about factors having direct effect on export competitiveness of Indonesian textile product and textile commodity by considering influence of free competition to be faced by Indonesia. Textile product and textile commodity chosen by highest exporting value according to HS (Harmonized System) are cotton sector (number 52), garment (number 61 and 62) and synthetic fiber (number 54 and 55). AnaJysis method consist of three steps: (1) detennining the quantitive factors having d.irect effect on export competitiveness, (2) designing prototype models and its verification, (3) validating and developing the model for the application in textile product and textile commodity. Data from year 1981 to 2004 are used There are many factors influencing export competitiveness of cotton fiber commodity, garment and synthetic fiber, such as: (1) government policy including trade liberalization, interest rate, exchange rate and wage rate; (2) production factors including raw material price ' and productivity; (3) innovation and technology including development and research investment; and also (4) consumer behavior including per capita income domestic, per capita income unporting countries and price of related product These factors were found by the previous research related to export competitiveness. Based on econometrics model, factors having direct effect on export competitiveness of Indonesian cotton fiber commodity are inflation factor (INF), Singapore per capita income index (PCIF3), Indonesia per capita income index (PCID) and plant fiber price (SET). Factors having direct effect on export competitiveness of Indonesian garment are interest rate (INT), trade liberalization (DTL), Japan per capita income index (PCIFI), wage rate (Wages), Total Factor productivity (TFP), rayon raw material price (BBR) and plant fiber price (SET). Factors having direct effect on export competitiveness of Indonesian synthetic fiber are interest rate factor (LnINT), Hong Kong per capita income index (LnPCIF4), wage rate (LnWages), inflation (LnINF) and wool price (LnWOL) and plant fiber price (LnSET).