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Title: Pendugaan Biomasa di Atas Tanah di Ekosistem Hutan Primer dan Hutan Bekas Tebangan (Studi Kasus Hutan Dusun Aro, Jambi)
Authors: Tersnawan, Hamdan
Rosalina, Upik
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Pendugaan Biomasa
Hutan Primer
Hutan Bekas Tebangan
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Biomass studies using combination of destructive and non-destructive sampling were conducted in the tropical rain forest of Dusun Aro, Jambi. In non-destructive sampling biomass density was estimated using geometric equation from Brown (1997) mainly for trees with diameter at breast height greater than 5 cm. The component of above-grund biomass considered in this study were the under storeys, litters, living trees, dead standing trees, and stumps (trunks) remained on forest floor. The purpose of the study is to estimate total above-ground biomass per unit area in the primary and logged-over forest.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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