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Title: Buses Dispatching Problem in Urban Transport System
Authors: Aman, Amril
Hanum, Farida
Bakhtiar, Toni
Issue Date: Feb-2015
Publisher: other
Pushpa Publishing House
Series/Report no.: Volume 96;Number 4
Abstract: The complexity of transport system in urban area will significantly increase in accordance with demographic development, transport demand growth, life style change and transport policy. Inadequate transport management system implies a higher transport cost incurred by fuel wasting due to traffic jam, productivity deterioration and environment degradation. Busway as one of transport modes in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is commonly adopted by local government to circumvent such kind of drawbacks, since it may reassign the use of private cars into public transport. However, in some cases, the implementation of busway system is not optimal due poor planning. This paper develops a deterministic mathematical framework to model the operation of Transjakarta, busway transport system in the metro city of Jakarta. An integer programming is established to determine the optimum number of dispatched buses from the initial shelter under minimum operational cost. Optimum dispatchig leads to a minimum waiting time and assurases passengers comfort.
ISSN: 0972-0871
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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