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Title: Kemasan Aktif Oxygen Scavenging Berbasis Material Komposit Kitosan-Polivinil Alkohol untuk Minyak Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella sp.).
Authors: Riyanto, Bambang
Trilaksani, Wini
Amanda, Sheilla
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Active packaging is packaging in the formulation deliberately added with a material to improve its ability to enhance the quality, safety and sensory value of stuffs. Active packaging with oxygen scavenging has not applied for fish oil products. This research aimed to develop a model of active packaging oxygen scavenging from chitosan-PVA composite for Sardinella sp. fish oil. Research activities including formulation and characterization, model development, and capability level or functionalization of active packaging oxygen scavenging through the approach of fish oil quality changes during storage. Active packaging oxygen scavenging with chitosan-PVA composite showed that the physical properties (thickness 0.056 ± 0.006 mm, elongation at break percentage 151.37 ± 11.38%), were better than the control packaging (thickness 0.052 ± 0.003 mm, elongation at break percentage 120.04 ± 8.03%). The level of cability or functionalization of active packaging with oxygen scavenging approach fish oil quality changes during storage did not have a significant influence on the increase in iodine value, peroxide value and free fatty acid of fish oil.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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