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Title: Kebiasaan Petani Dalam Memanfaatkan Sumber Informasi Pertanian
Authors: Purnaningsih, Ninuk
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Jurusan llmu-limu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Faperta IPB
Series/Report no.: Vol. t 4;No.2, Agustus
Abstract: The objective of this research is to identify abpdf the use of source of information on vegetables for farmers. The resedTch site in two villages, sUbdistrict of Pacet, district Cianjur, West Java. The villages were selected to represent a village with good and worse accessibility for information. The results of the research indicate that parent/other family members and friends is the most frequently use of source of information to make dicisions an all farm activities, due to both of the source of information are most usefu~ easy to practice, cheap, .c:atisfy the need, and easy to be unde'?tood 1'1I The cognitive motivations of the use of soursce of information is the dominant factor for the success of farmer in farming. Motivation of the use of printed and electronic media are widen farmer experiences, however, the content of information are hard to be understood and not qUIte relevant WIth farmer's need for farming
ISSN: 0215 - 8434
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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