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Title: Penjadwalan Mata Pelajaran di Sekolah: Studi Kasus di SMPIT Nurul Fajar Bogor
Authors: Supriyo, Prapto Tri
Hanum, Farida
Izzuddin, Muhammad
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Scheduling is one of the problems faced by many institutions including schools. However, the conventional scheduling is often sub-optimal. In this work, the scheduling problem is modeled mathematically using integer programming approach. In this paper the problem of scheduling of courses was formulated into integer nonlinear programming. The model is then implemented to solve the courses scheduling problem in SMPIT Nurul Fajar School Bogor. The computer software LINGO 11.0 was used to obtain optimal solutions in the form of courses and satisfying all constraints of subject and teachers’ schedules.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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