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Title: Stabilitas Kapsul Minyak Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) selama Penyimpanan dengan Metode Schaal
Authors: Sumaryanto, Heru
Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Rusmiati, Hardiyana
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Encapsulation and antioxidant addition to catfish oil from Kampar – Riau were conducted to improve its oxidation stability during storage. Catfish oil was known have high in unsaturated fatty acid content. Schaal method had been developed to determine oil oxidation stability in a short time and simple way utilizing oven storage (50°C). Encapsulated catfish oil tested were oil from its viscera and white adipose tissue (WAT) with some treatments (without antioxidant, addition of olive oil 1:1, and addition of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) 200 ppm). Fatty acid profile in viscera and WAT oil were dominated by palmitic and oleic which were 25.97% and 34.72% for WAT catfish oil, 22.34% and 35.18% for viscera catfish oil. Baseline characteristics of WAT catfish oil included, acid value, peroxide, free fatty acid, iodine, anisidine, and total oxidation were descriptively better than viscera catfish oil. Addition of olive oil and BHT gave significant (p<0.05) on of all parameter except iodine value. The butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) addition gave the best result in maintaining catfish oil quality.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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