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Title: Analisis Keragaman Genetik Ikan Napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus) di Kepulauan Seribu Berdasarkan DNA Mikrosatelit
Authors: Madduppa, Hawis H
Sunuddin, Adriani
Putralaksana, Dinar
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Napoleon wrasse is one of many fish that belongs to highly commercial category on Fishing Industry. In addition, napoleon wrasse is well known as one of the key predator species which play an important role for the ecology and sustainability of coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to analyze genetic diversity level of napoleon wrasse at Kepulauan Seribu, and recognize the conservation and trading status of napoleon wrasse. Sample extraction using DNeasy blood and tissue kit by Qiagen. Amplification of microsatellite loci gene by PCR using primer of A3, A65, and T63 loci. Stages of annealing was carried out at 57 °C on A65 primer, 58 °C on T63 primer, and 56 °C on A3 primer, for 30 seconds and 30x cycle. Genetic diversity result showing that the average values of Hobs from 3 loci that being used is 0.608. The highest PIC value was found on T63 loci primer, with 0.588 PIC value and 7 numbers of alleles were amplified. Based on IUCN, Napoleon wrasse was listed on endangered status and listed on Appendix II of trading status by CITES.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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