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Title: Pengukuran Sinyal Hambur Balik Pipa dan Dasar Laut Menggunakan Instrumen Side Scan Sonar
Authors: Manik, Henry M
Sabila, Silmina
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: One of the instruments that is used in seafloor mapping is side scan sonar. In general, research about side scan sonar is mostly conduct to image processing itself. The aim of this research is to visualize image of seafloor with mosaic, data computation with wavelet from seafloor target and hopefully improve the intrepretation quantitavely. Side scan sonar data on November 2010 in Balongan, Indramayu from BPPT is used in this research. Visualization of side scan sonar data is done with mosaic. Morlet wavelet transformation is used for data analysis. Colour intensity in side scan sonar image can represent backscatter. Based on visualization and data analysis, higher of reflection coefficient, sound wave that is reflected back from target will be higher too. Magnitude form wavelet coefficients from target shows different result with colour gradation. Magnitude wavelet coefficient from the first target shows highest value in the data range 500 - 600, second target in range 200 - 300, and the third target with low backscatter in range 500 - 600
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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