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Title: Implementasi dan Analisis Keuntungan Teknologi Back-slopping pada pembuatan “Quick Tempeh” Skala Industri Rumah Tangga
Authors: Wijaya, Hanny
Nurjanah, Siti
Utama, Qabul Dinanta
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: ”Quick Tempeh” merupakan tempe yang dibuat dengan pengasaman kimiawi menggunakan bantuan bahan pengasam Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL). Proses pembuatan “Quick Tempeh” masih terkendala oleh harga GDL yang masih relatif mahal sehingga perlu dilakukan efisiensi. Salah satu upaya untuk efisiensi penggunaan GDL adalah dengan penggunaan kembali sisa hasil larutan perendam atau larutan pengasam untuk proses pembuatan tempe selanjutnya yang disebut teknologi back-slopping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi GDL yang optimal pada penggunaan larutan back-slopping 1 untuk digunakan pada larutan back-slopping 2 dan mengetahui karakteristik tempe yang dihasilkan dengan cara back-slopping 2 pada konsentrasi optimal yang diperoleh dari backslopping 1, serta analisis keuntungan dalam pembuatan “Quick Tempeh”pada skala produksi industri rumah tangga dengan menggunakan metode back-slopping yang diteliti. Analisis data optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Response Surface Methodology. Variabel yang dioptimasi adalah konsentrasi GDL yang ditambahkan (B1%-B5%). Respon yang diukur antara lain pH kedelai prafermentasi, pH larutan back-slopping, dan kekompakan tempe secara sensori. Konsentrasi GDL optimal yang dihasilkan pada larutan Back-slopping 1 adalah X% (w/v). Konsentrasi GDL hasil optimasi menghasilkan pH kedelai prafermentasi 5.3, pH larutan back-slopping 4.5, dan kekompakan tempe 12.9 dari 15. Hasil uji awal larutan back-slopping 2 dengan penambahan GDL X% (w/v) menunjukkan tempe yang dihasilkan tidak berbeda nyata dengan tempe hasil pengasaman alami. Analisis keuntungan menunjukkan penerapan teknologi backslopping dapat menurunkan total biaya produksi “Quick Tempeh” per hari sebesar 4.8% dibandingakan produksi tanpa penerapan back-slopping. Penggunaan GDL dan penerapan teknologi back-slopping dapat meningkatkan total keuntungan produksi “Quick Tempeh” dibandingkan tempe hasil pengasaman alami (tempe kontrol) sebesar 49.9%.
Quick Tempeh is a tempeh being made through a chemical acidification by using Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) as the acidulant. Utilization of Quick Tempeh process for small-medium industries faces constraint particularly due to the expensive price of GDL. Efficiency on GDL addition has been done through a back-slopping approach. Back-slopping is a technology which reutilized the soybean soaking solution for next batch of tempeh making. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum concentration of GDL that should be added into the soaking solution the 1st back-slopping for the next using in 2nd backslopping, and to determine the characteristic of tempeh made by using 2nd backslopping. Futhermore, the profit comparison among the Quick Tempeh, Quick Tempeh with back-slopping approached and the traditional method in a household production scale have also been calculated. Optimization was conducted by using Response Surface Methodology. The variable optimized in this study was the added concentration of GDL (B1%-B5%). The responses were measured including pH of pre-fermented soybean, pH of back-slopping solution, and the compactness of tempeh using sensory evaluation. The optimum concentration of GDL added was X%. The pH of pre-fermented soybean with optimized GDL concentration was 5.3, the pH of back-slopping solution was 4.5, and compactness value ranging from 12.9 of 15. The caracterization of tempeh produced by 2nd back-slopping with addition of GDL X% (w/v) showed that there was no significant difference from the traditional tempeh (natural acidification) at the significance level of 5%. The profit analysis showed that application of backslopping technology was able to reduce 4.8% of the total cost comparing to the production without back-slopping applied. The use of GDL and back-slopping have been able to increase the total profit up to 49.9% comparing to the traditional technology.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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