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Title: Karakterisasi Gel Cincau Hijau Kemasan Selama Penyimpanan Dingin
Authors: Prangdimurti, Endang
Herawati, Dian
Briantoto, Raden Dani
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Green grass jelly without heat treatment has a very short shelf life, which is one day if stored at ambient temperature. In the previous research, green grass jelly with addition of hydrocolloid had been made to maintain its physical characteristic after heat treatment. The objective of this research is to study the characteristic of pasteurized (CHP) and steamed (CHK) green grass jelly at cool storage (5-10oC) for 15 days. The product had been analyzed for its physical (gel strength, colour, syneresis rate, and pH value), microbiological (TPC), and functional properties (total chlorophyll, phenolic compound, antioxidant capacity, dietary fiber) every three days. The result showed that CHP and CHK commonly have similar pattern of changes, which had increased in syneresis rate, dietary fiber, and total microbes, whereas green colour intensity, pH value, total chlorophyll, total phenolic compound, and antioxidant capacity decreased after stored within 15 days. In the end of storage period, syneresis rate of CHP (6,66%) was higher than CHK (4,90%). pH value were relatively stable during storage for both products. CHK had higher green colour intensity (a* value more negative) than CHP, which prominently showed at the beginning of storage. All functional properties of CHP and CHK slightly decreased during storage. CHK complied SNI 7388:2009 without storage, while CHP complied SNI until 12 days of storage.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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