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Title: Karakteristik biologi populasi kerang sepetang (Pharella acutidens) di ekosistem mangrove Dumai, Riau
Other Titles: Berkala Perikanan Terubuk Februari 2012, him 36-44
Authors: Efriyeldi
Bengen, Dietriech G.
Affande, Ridwan
Prarton, Tri
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Berkala Perikanan Terubuk
Abstract: Characteristic of population biology of the "sepetang" clam has been studied in Dumai mangrove ecosystem from November 2010 to October 2011. lbis research was to study the patterns of the population growth, mortality and recruitment of the clam P. acutidens. Sampling was monthlyfrom plot 1 m x 1 m quadratic transects. The result showed that growth pattern of P. acutidens was negative allometric with asymptotic length (Leo) 92.71 mm.The annual growth coefficient (K) and total mortalitywere 0.59 and 1.87 per year, respectively. The natural mortality was probably related to environmental condition. The recruitment occurred every month, the peaks occurred on April (15.93%) and August (13.16%). Keywords: "sepetang" clam, growth, mortality, recruitment
ISSN: 126-4266
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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