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Title: Analisis Kekuatan Gel (Gel Strength) Produk Permen Jelly dari Gelatin Kulit Ikan Cucut (Chiloscyllium punctatum) dengan Penambahan Karaginan dan Rumput Laut (Euchema spinosum)
Authors: Suptijah, Pipih
Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Anwar, Cholil
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
jelly candy
gel strength
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Jelly candy is a chewy textured candy with added components such as hydrocolloid, gum, pectin, starch, gelatin, carageenan and others that are used to modify the chewy texture. The purpose of this research is to determine the gel strength and the best formulation of jelly candy produced from shark skin gelatin. The result showed that the best concentration of acetic acid in making gelatine was 0.1 N and the best formulation of jelly candy was 1.75% gelatine added with 3.50% carageenan. The gel strength of the product was 169.35 N/cm2. Higher value of gel strength showed more chewiness and elasticity of the produced jelly candy.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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