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Title: Efisiensi teknis dan ekonomis unit penangkapan muroami di Pulau Pramuka, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu
Other Titles: Jurnal Mangrove dan Pesisir IX (2), September 2009; 80-86
Authors: Iskandar, Mokhamad Dahri
Keywords: Muroami
technical fishing efficiency
economical efficiency
fishing unit
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: This experiment was carried out to determine technical and economical efficiency of muroami which has fishing base in Pramuka Island of Seribu Islands. Survey method was carried out to obtain data needed. Sampling was carried out using purposive sampling methods. Result of experiment indicated that the fishing unit of KM Cahaya Laut which has trip number of 178 trips, ship tonnage of 17 GT, power engine of 24 PK, fuel consume of 6.890 litres per trip, sailor man number of 16 persons resulted the best technical and economical efficiency during fishing operation. Net profit of muroami's owner was Rp 305.380.916,67 while RIC, PP and ROt were Rp 3,87,1,05 year and 95,%, respectively.
ISSN: 1411-0679
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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