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Title: Tingkat Kelangsungan Hidup dan Laju Pertumbuhan Karang Pocillopora damicornis dan Acropora millepora yang Ditransplantasikan dengan Teknik Rubble Stabilization di Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu
Authors: Zamaini, Neviaty Putri
Sunuddin, Adriani
Ariston, Lovedrian
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
rubble stabilization
Acropora millepora
Pocillopora damicornis
coral transplantation
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Substrate in the bottom waters of Pramuka Island were mostly consisted by rubbles, which are difficult to be settled by new coral polyps. The purpose of this study was to apply reef rehabilitation technique, that is transplantation of Pocillopora damicornis dan Acropora millepora using rubble stabilization technique. Study area was located in the South and West of Pramuka Island (SPR and BPR). Transplantation and coral monitoring was conducted in March until July 2012. Observed biological parameters were the width and length of the transplanted coral, further analyzed into growth data. Environmental parameters measured were water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, orthoposphat, and amonia, in order to analyze habitat condition favoring coral growth. In general, the rate of coral growth was better in SPR. The highest growth rate for coral colony height of Acropora millepora was 0,83±1.84 cm/month at SPR, while the lowest was -1.60±3.88 cm/month at BPR. The lowest growth rate for colony coral width was -1.11±3.22 cm/month at BPR, on the contrary the highest was 1,71±1.21 cm/month at SPR. The highest growth rate for coral colony height of Pocillopora damicornis was 1,99±1.11cm/month at SPR, while the lowest was -0,77±2.67 cm/month at BPR. The lowest growth rate for colony coral width was 0,15±2.10 cm/month at BPR, on the contrary the highest was 0,90±1.01cm/month at SPR. Record of environmental parameters were supporting coral growth. Result of this research showed that rubble stabilization technique can be applied and there are differences of coral colony growth rate for both species at different study sites.
Substrat dasar di perairan Pulau Pramuka terdiri dari pecahan karang (rubble) dengan persentase yang cukup tinggi. Rubble merupakan jenis substrat yang sulit ditumbuhi oleh polip karang karena bersifat dinamis yaitu mudah terbawa arus sehingga dapat menggerus polip karang yang baru tumbuh dan menempel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menerapkan teknik rehabilitasi terumbu karang rubble stabilization menggunakan spesies Pocillopora damiconis dan Acropora millepora. Penelitian ini berlokasi di selatan dan barat Pulau Pramuka (SPR dan BPR), pada bulan Maret sampai Juli 2012. Parameter yang diamati adalah lebar dan panjang koloni karang, sedangkan parameter fisika-kimia perairan yang diukur adalah suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, nitrat, ortofosfat, dan amonia. Secara umum laju pertumbuhan karang lebih baik di SPR. Laju pertumbuhan tinggi rata-rata Acropora millepora terbesar 0,83±1,84 cm/bulan, dan terendah -1,60±3,88 cm/bulan. Laju pertumbuhan lebar rata-rata terbesar 1,71±1,21 mm/bulan, dan terendah -1,11±3,22 cm/bulan. Laju pertumbuhan rata-rata tinggi Pocillopora damicornis terbesar 1,11±1,99 cm/bulan, dan terendah–0,77±2,67 cm/bulan. Laju pertumbuhan lebar rata-rata terbesar 0,90±1,01 cm/bulan, dan terendah 0,15±2,10 cm/bulan. Secara umum parameter fisika dan kimia perairan mendukung pertumbuhan karang. Hasil penelitian ini mendapati bahwa teknik rubble stabilization dapat diterapkan dan terdapat perbedaan laju pertumbuhan lebar dan panjang untuk kedua jenis karang di kedua lokasi.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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