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dc.contributor.advisorMuhandri, Tjahja
dc.contributor.authorIrmaharianty, Shafiyyah
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research were optimization of sorghum noodle process using single screw cooking-forming extruder and analyze its consumer acceptance in hedonic test. Variable process in this research were extruder temperature (80-95oC) and screw speed (50-125 rpm). The design experiments and the optimum process determined using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in Design Expert 7.0. Cooking loss and elongation of cooked sorghum noodles were evaluated. The optimum product was chosen based on minimal cooking loss. Optimum process was gained at extruder temperature was 95oC and screw speed was 125 rpm, produced sorghum noodles with cooking loss 8.95% and elongation 332.4%. Cooked sorghum noodles had a dull colour. Improvement of color and appearance from sorghum noodle have done by adding corn flour and mixed it with sorghum flour. Sorghum noodle and sorghum-corn noodle were evaluated in hedonic test for their colour, turbidity of boiled water, hardness, elongation, dan taste. Sorghum noodles which mixed by corn flour had a better hedonic scale in color and turbidity of boiled water (p<0.05), but hardness, elongation, and taste were not significantly differenten
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectresponse surface methodologyen
dc.subjectcooking-forming extruderen
dc.subjectsorghu ,en
dc.titleOptimasi Pembuatan Mi Sorgum Menggunakan Ekstruder Pemasak-Pencetak Ulir Tunggaen
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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