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Title: Fermentasi Kopi Menggunakan Bakteri Xilanolitik dari Luwak
Authors: Noor, Erliza
Meryandini, Anja
Taufiq, Pandudamai Insani
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
solid state fermentation
xylanolytic bacteria
civet coffee
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Civet coffee is a coffee produced by civet and come out with feces. One of the predominant microorganisms involved for civet fermentation is xylanolitic bacteria. This study was aimed to select the best xylanolitic bacteria and use it in the fermentation. The xylanolitic bacteria has been tested and identified as Agrobacterium tumifaciens and Stenotrophomonas sp. However, these experiments use only Agrobacterium tumifaciens because it has higher enzyme activity than Stenotrophomonas sp. The fermentation was held at 30, 40, and 50oC for five days. The enzyme activity, shrinkage weights, levels of carbohydrate and protein content were tested daily. The second and third day of fermentation at 30 and 40oC showed a relative higher decrease of shrinkage weight and carbohydrate content. It suggests a good fermentation conditions for civet coffee production. The organic acid in the coffee were analyzed by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatographic). The oxalic acid, lactic acid, ascorbic acid and caffeine content of the experiment were lower whereas the butyric acid was higher than the civet coffee. The experiment fermentation gave a better quality coffee product than civet coffee.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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