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Title: Wisata perikanan tangkap di Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat
Authors: Diniah
Sobari, Moch. Prihatna
Putra, Adi Gumbara
Keywords: capture fisheries tourism, tourism demand of Palabuhanratu, tourism economic value
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan-FPIK
Series/Report no.: Vol. IX No. 1;
Abstract: Palabuhanratu is capture fisheries centre at south West Java and represent one of tourism target in Sukabumi Regency. Domestic Product of Regional Bruto from capture fisheries is increase at period 2002-2006, but during the time more focussed to production of non service. Though opportunity of develop of capture fisheries tourism high relative along with existing experience to natural resources utilization. The objective of the research to lay open potency of capture. fisheries tourism in Palabuhanratu, so that can improve its contribution in Domestic Product of Regional Bruto of Sukabumi Regency. Data analyze to conducte descriptively for capture fisheries activity, analysis of perception and appreciation to tourism objeck, and also analyze tourism demand of maritime tourism. The result show that five dominant fishing unit in Palabuhanratu fishing port own opportunity developed of tourism activity. Tourism area of Pelabuhanratu have utility value of equal to Rp480,010, consument surpluss value of Rp210,874 and total economic value of equal to Rp55,868, 1 06,000. Three strategies for development of capture fisheries tourism in Palabuhanratu, that is to increase the capture fisheries activity as tourism attraction, improvement of quality of Palabuhanratu fishing port facilities, and completed in celebration of fishermen day.
ISSN: 0854-5804
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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