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Title: Deteksi Keberadaan Gunung Bawah Laut (Seamount) Dan Dimensinya Menggunakan Echosounder Multibeam di Perairan Bengkulu.
Authors: Manik, Henry M.
Hartoyo, Djoko
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Topography and Dimensions of the seamount
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The research Detection of the Seamount Existence and Measuring Dimensions by Using Multibeam Echosounder in Bengkulu’s Seas was conducted during 5 months from Maret until July 2012. The aim from this research is to guess the existence of seamount and measuring dimension such as height, diameters, and number of peaks. There are two acoustic instruments used in this research, consisted of : ELAC Seabeam 1050D with a frequency of 50 kHz and Simrad EM 12D with a frequency of 12 kHz. Bathymetric survey conducted in southwest Sumatera island on 18-19 December 2010. Data acquisition was obtained by using the hydrostar software in Baruna Jaya III and Baruna Jaya IV vessel. CARIS HIPS and SIPS 6.1 used to get data of bathymetry. Amplitude and backscatter data obtained by processing on the MB System. Visualization of data is performed by using the Fladermaus 6.2 software thus obtained in 3D. Seamount is assumed as a cone with an elliptical base to calculate the dimensions. The result from this research is existence of an object that is allegedly as a seamount at 320 Kilometers from the southwest of Bengkulu city, precisely at 4022’9,16’’ southern latitude and 990 25’ 01,47’’ east longitude. The seamount height is ± 3.968 meters and has two peak separated by a gap called a caldera at ± 3.050 meters. The major axis is ± 50.240 meters and the minor axis in this seamount is ± 5.644 meters. Seamount peaks located at ± 1.270 meters below sea level. Based on the opinion of some geologists, the seamount is expressed as an inactive volcano
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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