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Title: Pelapisan Benih dengan Bacillus subtilis AB89 dan Tokoferol untuk Mempertahankan Viabilitas Benih Padi Hibrida Selama Penyimpanan
Authors: Widajati, Eny
Nawangsih, Abdjad Asih
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis
Hybrid rice
Seed coating
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: This research aims to evaluate the effect of seed coating by Bacillus subtilis AB89 and Tocopherol on viability of hybrid rice seeds during storage. Experimental design is used a Nested Design randomized complete. The main plot is period of seed storage consisting of six standards are: P0 = 0 weeks, P1 = 3 weeks, 6 weeks = P2, P3 = 9 weeks, 12 weeks = P4, and P5 = 15 weeks with seed coating as a subplot consisting of three levels, namely: C0 = control (without coating), C1 = polymer + isolates Bacillus subtilis AB89, C2 = polymer tocopherol + 500 ppm . Seeds used in this research is hybrid rice varieties DG-1, SL-8, and Intani2. Seed moisture content fluctuated during storage, but the seed coating treatment showed a lower water content values than the control. The results showed that treatment of seed coating and without coating capable maintaining viability of hybrid rice seed varieties both DG-1, SL-8 and Intani 2 until 15 weeks period of seed storage . Coating by Bacillus subtilis AB89 on DG-1 varieties increased the speed of grown, cumulative germination percentage and dry weight normal seedling until 15 weeks period of seed storage. Coating by tocopherol 500 ppm on SL-8 varieties has the highest value of the maximum growth potential and increased the highest maximum growth potential on Intani 2 varieties.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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