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Title: Strategy of improving food safety for bakery at small medium enterprise based on implementation good manufacturing practices (GMP’s).
Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Keamanan Produk Roti Industri Kecil Menengah Melalui Penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Authors: Arkeman, Yandra
Adinegoro, Himawan
Herlinawati, Triningsih
Keywords: GMP
SWOT Analysis
Sme’s, bakery
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The role of processing industry sector is great enough, its contribution is reached 26.8% of national GDP. Among processing industry sectors, the food industry gives the second largest contribution at least 27%. The same situation occurred in Bogor. Processing industry contributed the second largest, reached 19.72% of the Gross Regional Domestic Product in 2010, where the sub sectors of the food industry play a part. The structure of the food industry in Bogor is dominated by small enterprise (96%). One of the problems on small medium enterprise is the emergency of food safety issues due to low sanitation and hygiene practices. Based on the data from outbreaks (epidemics) of Indonesia in 2001-2006 is known that the major cause of poisoning is due to microbes and are common in food products produced by small-medium enterprise and catering. The objective of this research is to formulate strategy of improving food safety base on implementation Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s). This research presents I’SWOT analysis regarding the implementation GMP’s on bakery at small-medium enterprises in Bogor. I’SWOT is an expert choice justification model which is used for structural analysis model by taking several elements for the strategic environmental factors. SWOT analysis for the strategic environmental factors has identified the significant aspect of the supporting elements, constraints and, the groups of the alternative strategy. Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) is used to find out the principal sub-elements of each strategy and stakeholders elements have been analysed to enrich the formulate strategy. Complete analysis of this research has built five alternative formulation strategy for improving food safety base on implementation GMP’s, with considering respective limitation.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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