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Title: Tingkat pemanfaatan dan pola musim penangkapan beberapa jenis ikan pelagis ekonomis penting di Provinsi Maluku Utara
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan " Pengembangan IPTEK Perikanan dan Kelautan Berkelanjutan dalam mendukung Pembangunan Nasional" Semarang 28 Agustus 2007
Authors: Baskoro, Mulyono S.
Taeran, Imran
Solihin, Iin
Keywords: major economic pelagic
utilization level
fishing season
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro
Abstract: Economic important fish in North Moiucas Province area skipjack tuna (KatsulVonus peiamis), tlma (Thunnus spp.), jittJetuna (Eulhynnussp.), scad (Decpp1erus sp.), mackerel (Raslridligersp.), and 'garfish (HemirhamphiLs sp.). Its species get pressure· because they are catched intensively. The' objectives of: this research are to an/llyze.level of exploiting and fishing season pattern. Survey method and observation applied in data collecting. Data was analyzed by using fox lUOOel and moving average. The result of the research indicates the; level of exploiting ' (I ex) skipjack tuna 53-82% from MSY 6.924.616 kg, whit optimum effort 5.000 trip. Tuna(1 ex) 68-114% from MSY 8.480.194 kg, whit .optimwn effort 380 trip. The range (l ex) JittJe tuna 39-100% from MSY 1.862.617 kg, whit optimUI11 effort 5.000 trip. Scad (1 ex) 14-75% from t·;{SY 21.072.291 kg, whit optimum effort 1.290 trip. Mackerel (lex) 62-112% fromMSY 3,179.139 kg, whit optimwn effort 3.953 trip. Garfish (I e:k) 68-99% from MSY 3.551.992 kg kg, whit optimwn effort '5.848 trip. Peak fishing season of sldpjack tul1aaiidscad is in July with index fishing season (ifs) value 197% dan 188%. Tuna, little tuna and inackerel peak fishing season is in October with (ifS) value 308%; 170%; 140%. Garfish peak fishing season is in Deceml?er with (ifs) value 236%.
ISBN: 978.979.704.595.1
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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