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dc.contributor.advisorAhmad, Usman
dc.contributor.advisorDarmawati, Emmy
dc.contributor.authorMunanda, Fajri Eko
dc.description.abstractPeel hardening of mangosteen fruit is one of the problems in storage, especially for long term storage at low temperature. Peel hardening of mangosteen fruit makes it difficult to open before consumption. One attempt to solve this problem isthe application of semi-cutting treatment before storage of the fruits. Semi-cutting application requires a combination with waxing and cold storage to prevent faster quality deterioration, because it provides a way for microorganisms to enter the fruits, and increases the respiration as well. Waxing helps to cover the pores, and especially in this case, the cut opening, of mangosteen fruit and cold storage helps to slow down the respiration and metabolism. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of semi-cutting treatment in combinations with waxing treatment to increase shelf life, and provides easier opening of the fruits at the end of long storage. Treatment of semi-cutting was conducted on two depth, 3 mm and 5 mm whereas waxing treatment was conducted by 2 concentrations, 6% and 10%. Mangosteen fruit which has been semi-cutted and waxed, stored at 8oC and 27oC for 60 days. It was observed that application of semi-cutting 5 mm and waxing 6% in mangosteen fruit stored at 8oC provided ease opening until 33 days of storage while maintaining fruit quality, which is the best result compared with other treatments, because the treatment was able to reduce the peel hardening.en
dc.subjectpeel hardeningen
dc.titleApplication of Semi-cutting and Waxing for Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Stored at Low Temperatureen
dc.titleAplikasi Semi-Cutting dan Pelilinan (Waxing) dalam Penyimpanan Dingin Buah Manggis
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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