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Title: Delimitasi Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Sebagai Strategi Pengelolaan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar Diprovinsi Sulawesi Utara
Authors: Bengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
Karwur, Denny B.A.
Dahuri, Rokhmin
Monintja, Daniel R.
Nikijuluw, Victor Ph.
Iindrati, Maria F.
Keywords: Hukum Pesisir
Delimitasi ZEE Indonesia
Sertifikat Pulau
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: F akultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
Abstract: Small islands border region has a tremendous potential in supporting national development. The determination of management policy is very important because of the strategic of border marine resources existence. The islands in the border regions of the country are vulnerable to the intervention of other countries and transnational crimes. The concept of development policy of small islands in Indonesia must be planned and implemented in an integrated manner for the development and welfare of the nation. The northern regions, i.e. the North Sulawesi Province, that locates next to the Philippines is important for the integrity of the management of small islands and border areas and of law enforcement in Indonesia. Target elements, elements and strategies explain the Delimitation of the Nation Borders between Indonesia and the Philippines, in particular the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that overlaps each other, to optimize the management of natural resources. Draft of Law of Small Islands State Border and the provision of local government authority to carry out assistance dVty of border management and stating Small Islands in the border regions as state islands and given a special certificate.
ISSN: 0216 - 1389
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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